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Comments on Puzzle #1076: fun & simple game
By Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty)

peek at solution       solve puzzle
  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line & color logic only  

Puzzle Description:

Classic Rock Paper Scissor

#1: Robert Kummerfeldt (rmkummerfeldt) on Jul 16, 2007 [SPOILER]

OK - there has to be a correct solution, but I haven't found it yet. I've gotton 4 different incorrect solutions for the rock - I would think one has to be the right one.
#2: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jul 16, 2007 [SPOILER]
Robert I made a change to the Rock it as only one solution now (and by adding the blue every element of the puzzle as 2 coulors)
#3: Robert Kummerfeldt (rmkummerfeldt) on Jul 16, 2007
That explains it - I reloaded the puzzle, and it definitely has a unique solution now.
#4: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Jul 16, 2007 [SPOILER]
I liked those scissors and they were tricky to do as well :)
#5: Gypso (Gypso) on Jul 17, 2007 [SPOILER]
Nice idea. The scissors are a real stand out. Thanks Sylvain.
#6: Mark Conger (aruba) on Jul 29, 2007
#7: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Aug 20, 2007 [HINT] [SPOILER]
The puzzle is not so bad if you start with a presumption of symetry, which I'm not sure is a good presumption. I got jammed logically, and solved the scissors as if they had to be symetrical (although the rock wasn't), which they were. However, it isn't a thing I'd want to have to guess at on a much larger grid. I thought maybe I was tired, and so ran it by the computer, but it also got stuck trying only logic -- what else can the computer use?
#8: Deana L (FFsWife) on Oct 26, 2007 [SPOILER]
Had a tough time with the scissors, but finally figured it out using my brain... Nice job.
#9: Alaris Zaaqurin (Zephyr) on Dec 12, 2007 [HINT] [SPOILER]
The top of the scissors can be solved by filling in one square at a time. Diagonal lines are most often very difficult to solve.
#10: GabrielMyCat (gabrielmycat) on Nov 30, 2010
love that game!
#11: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Aug 7, 2019 [HINT] [SPOILER]
Huh. I'm not a great solver, but I had little trouble with it. I filled in the vertical 15s, then a few more obvious columns, then worked from left to right and just marched right along.
Of course I had no idea what it was until I was told, but it looked kinda like the word SEX (with the S censored). So is this response a hint, a spoiler or both?
Great puzz, if I forgot to mention it!
#12: Byrdie (byrdie) on Aug 9, 2019
Bill your comment, to me, is a hint because it gives clues to solving the puzzle.

The rest of your comment says what the image is *not, but does not give away what the image *is so I wouldn't necessarily classify it as a spoiler. I'm sure that's up for debate, however.

Goto next topic

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