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Comments on Puzzle #1027: Quit it.
By Isabella Ambrey (izzy.1)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line & color logic only  

Puzzle Description:

Smoking is bad, please quit.

#1: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Jul 4, 2007 [SPOILER]

It's just as well I've given up, hey Izzy. Web pbn actually helped me give up(thanks to web.pbn) I knew that when I gave up I would need something major to keep my mind occupied, and I loved pixel puzzles, so I went searching for a good sight and came across this one. I have not smoked since I've been on this site, about 2 months. I started smoking at the age of 16 and have continued doing so for the next 20 years. Im so glad I've quit and I hope I never take it up again, even though I loved it. I love my kids,my health and my web.pbn better. This is not an anti-smoking campaign, in case anybody was wondering. :)
#2: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jul 4, 2007
Nice puzzle Izzy and congratulation for quitting Marie-Louise.

By the way I have to say that your mother/daugther relationship on this site is quite cute. :)
#3: Meg Tayler (rebelcat) on Jul 4, 2007
Seconding the "nice puzzle" to Izzy, and congrats to Marie-Louise! :-)
#4: Gypso (Gypso) on Jul 5, 2007
This was my first color puzzle. What a wonderful puzzle to start with!!! Thank you Izzy. :)
#5: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Aug 19, 2007 [SPOILER]
Yahoo! Love the puz. It'll be 8 years next month that I quit, after getting up to 2 1/2 packs a day for almost 20 years. The patch worked wonders (I was on a budget and used the storebrand). Keep it up, Marz. You said you've given up -- that's the attitude that will make it successful. Not just "trying" to quit. "Do or don't do. There is no 'try' ". (If anyone has trouble recalling the source of that quote ((paraphrase?)), ask Dragonfreak).

Now what did I miss about mother/daughter?
#6: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Aug 19, 2007
Good on you J.C, Im still a non smoker too :)
#7: zandperl (zandperl) on Dec 17, 2007 [SPOILER]
Although I'm against smoking and agree with the message, it seems a bit out of place to be preaching about it in this context.
#8: m2 (mercymercy) on Dec 18, 2007 [SPOILER]
It's a puzzle made by a puzzler. Of all the things to choose to censor (which Jan is not too keen on) this can certainly not be top of the list.
#9: Jan Wolter (jan) on Dec 18, 2007
It's nice to have some images with messages. There is no reason all puzzles need to be bland and innocuous, nor would I ever wish that the conversations that they inspire should be.
#10: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Dec 23, 2007
Wow, Zandperl, what a preachy comment.
#11: Gypso (Gypso) on Dec 23, 2007
LOL JC. Well said!
#12: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 26, 2008 [SPOILER]
I hate smoking, personally. The foul stench is enough to drive one insane. However, smoker's keep me in business! I am glad that there are designated smoking areas in most public places, so they can kill each other, and not innocent bystanders who happen to be nearby.
#13: Jen (LightVader) on Aug 31, 2008 [SPOILER]
Mostly I agree with you Adam. It is their life let them do with it as they please. My problem comes only at one of my jobs. I work at an ice cream store. The customers are outside while myself and my coworkers are inside. Some smokers (not all) will come to the window and blow smoke in our faces. A lot of them don't do it intentionally, most even try to keep the smoke away from the window but it still blows in.

And before anyone here says anything about a no smoking at the window sign, we have tried that. The trouble is, the people around here don't like to read anything. They don't follow the no pets signs, they don't follow the No children on counter sign, most of the time they don't even read which flavors we have for that week.

The roughest part me is that I have asthma. After two, sometimes just one customer who is smoking, I can't breathe anymore.
#14: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 31, 2008
Thank you for your comments. I am sorry you have to go through that. It's very sad that things like that happen to good people.
#15: Jen (LightVader) on Aug 31, 2008
Some people just need to learn more manners...

Nothing you can do about that, Adam.
#16: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 31, 2008
#17: Pam Negri (pamnegri) on Mar 26, 2009
please quit
#18: Byrdie (byrdie) on Mar 27, 2009 [SPOILER]
Hey LV. I worked at an ice cream store when I was younger and it's amazing how many people can't read the flavors of the board. They MUST look into the freezers at the containers to choose their flavors.

As far as the puzzle goes, I don't mind the message at all. I do think the "cigarette" is a little hard to make out.
#19: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Mar 28, 2009
Martin, let me respond to you as one of those who, as you put it, "MUST look into the freezers at the containers to choose their flavors."

Many people like me are more visual learners, (the more we see, the more we learn) and actually "seeing" the ice cream itself helps us better relate to the name of the flavor. There is something very appealing about looking at the actual ice cream vs just the name written on a board.
#20: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on May 11, 2009
or to put it another way...the eyes feeds our pleasures
#21: Jen (LightVader) on May 17, 2009
Hey Byrdie, its been a while since I've been around. But the place I work at, they don't even get to look into the freezers.
#22: Byrdie (byrdie) on May 17, 2009
Must be tough ... having to read what the flavors are, or there just aren't many choices.
#23: Katie Hurst (KatieH) on Apr 7, 2012
This is something my Grandmother would do to me. I'm trying to quit myself.
#24: Rissa Moore (rissawise) on Aug 30, 2022 [SPOILER]
I quit (for the last time) many years ago, about 5 years before Marie-Louise. I am curious - are you still an ex-smoker?

Goto next topic

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