Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Topic #1016: Is Aldege still around?
By derby (Derby)

#1: derby (Derby) on Sep 28, 2018

I love his puzzles, but haven’t seen anything new recently. Maybe he said goodbye and I missed it, or maybe he is taking a well deserved break?
#2: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Sep 29, 2018
He and Nikki split up, so he doesn't have access to her computer anymore. I don't know where he lives, nowadays.
#3: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Oct 3, 2018
I was wondering too. How sad!
#4: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 3, 2018
He had created more puzzles than anyone else and always had nice comments about other peoples puzzles. His absence leaves a big hole.
#5: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Oct 3, 2018
I miss him too. I hope he is okay.
#6: Kim (kjh) on Oct 4, 2018
That is so terribly sad. He was always so clever, and I so enjoyed the time that he made gads of puzzles to 'stump' me about music bands or songs. I also echo Norma's comment. I hope he is well and happy somewhere.
#7: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Oct 4, 2018
When the site crashed two years ago, soon after I had discovered it and created many puzzles, I didn't know how to find out what had happened. I tracked down Aldege because his was the only name I remembered. He then referred to me as the "sweet lady from San Francisco"--which still makes me laugh.

#8: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Oct 4, 2018
He split up with his wife, whose computer he'd been using. I don't know where he lives now, or when he might have access to the site again.
#9: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 4, 2018
Not long ago his wife posted on Facebook that she went to hear him play in a group and that he was really good. So maybe he is still in the area. After all the time he spent with his girls I don't thing he would want to be very far from them.

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