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Comments on Puzzle #7989: Lucky
By Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick)

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Puzzle Description:

4 leaf clover. For Gator #8045

#1: Josh Greifer (joshgreifer) on Mar 19, 2010

#2: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Mar 19, 2010
Very creative, Josh.
#3: Gator (Gator) on Mar 19, 2010
Thanks for the puzzle, Kai-Uwe. This was fun to solve.
#4: Alison Deem (Indigo) on Mar 19, 2010
It's pretty! I could use some luck these days. Wish I could put it in my pocket and carry it with me always.
#5: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on Mar 19, 2010
Do it, Allison. You can print it)))
#6: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Mar 19, 2010
Predictable. I like the asymmetry.
#7: Jota (jota) on Apr 8, 2010
#8: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Mar 15, 2011
it looks very lucky. good puzzle, Kai-Uwe.
#9: Spot (Pspaughtamus) on May 20, 2018 [SPOILER]
Four-leaf clovers always make me think of my 4-H years.

I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service,
and my health to better living,
for my club, my community, my country, and my world.
#10: BlackCat (BlackCat) on May 20, 2018
Very nice.
#11: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on May 6, 2020 [SPOILER]
Found a six leaf clover the other day...is that super lucky or does it cycle back around?
#12: Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) on May 8, 2020
Are you sure that it wasn't a three-leaf-one with too much beer...
#13: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on May 8, 2020 [SPOILER]
more likely scotch or bourbon but nope...also a five-leaf and several four-leaf. my girlfriend apparently has a lucky yard! except that it is unlucky enough to have big patches of clover.
#14: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on May 8, 2020
It doesn't happen to be near Love Canal, does it?
#15: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on May 9, 2020
no thank goodness!! not thankful we are that far from contamination, just thankful we don't live in the north :P

Goto next topic

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