peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
Puzzle Description Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers
#1: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 28, 2010
Numerals on the Indus scripts seem to be represented by vertical lines (represented by number of lines in the glyph), but they only go up to 7. Analysis reveal 4 more signs that appear in the same context as these numerals, and so they could represent numbers higher than 7. The fact that no vertical-line numeral sign denotes 8 could mean the language is based 8.#2: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Feb 28, 2010
Thanks for another good puzzle.#3: Sallie Wilbur (sarriemom) on Feb 28, 2010
Thanks for making this a series, Teresa! This was a fun solve.
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