peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solutions: multiple solvability: some guessing?
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#1: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Oct 4, 2009
This last week has been filled with nothing but silly multi-colored puzzles (for the most part). Where are Robyn, Teresa, and Gator? We DEPEND on you!!!#2: Lauren (lorispad) on Oct 6, 2009
Silly, huh? So do we get street cred for tough puzzles? Did you guys form puzzling gangs with violent puzzling rivalries? Do you throw gang signs to each other?#3: Teresa K (fasstar) on Oct 7, 2009
- So can I join your gang? We can go beat up the guy who made those stupid Mario Brothers ones. That ass! ;)
Jan wrote a wonderful article on how to create a puzzle and conveniently placed a link on the page where you begin to create a new puzzle. Some people read it and follow his suggestions. Others don't. (Cindi, you obviously did - thank you very much!)
Puzzles that reveal a recognizable image are the ones that please most people and will get positive comments and higher ratings. Puzzles that are just patterns or text are not very popular, especially if there are multiple solutions and require guessing.
Cindi, you have only created a few puzzles, but they have great ratings and lots of positive comments. You are already on your way to joining the group (not a "gang"!) of popular puzzle creators. How about a nice B&W one?
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