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quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Pam Sand (puzzlefan) on May 8, 2009
How romantic.#2: Sofia Bergendal (haesselmaas) on May 8, 2009
I'll stick with flowers.
I don't know if I just have a dirty mind, but to me, this looks like something a bit more "intimate" that also starts with a D...#3: Meg Tayler (rebelcat) on May 8, 2009
Huh. Here I thought I had a dirty mind, but I can't for the life of me figure out what you mean. The one "intimate" item I can think of that begins with "D" doesn't usually have quite so many spikey bits sticking out of it. (Because that would *really* hurt!)#4: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on May 9, 2009 [SPOILER]
I'm deeply disappointed in myself. ;-)
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#5: Teresa K (fasstar) on May 20, 2009 [SPOILER]
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