peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Jota (jota) on Mar 11, 2009
Thanks for participating in the WC. Your entry is the second one this week.#2: Steve Johnson (swjohnson12) on Mar 11, 2009
I have yet to see so many ideas, statements and wishes all on one tiny 40x40 grid. Wonderful! I love it!#3: Jota (jota) on Mar 11, 2009
So get inspired and give us an entry!#4: Jesse Matlock (sooner aviator) on Mar 12, 2009
Ok, not specific to this puzzle, but if you click white space in the number areas, it will switch sides!!! Nice software!!#5: Meg Tayler (rebelcat) on Mar 13, 2009
Maria - I try to teach my children that fear is just a feeling - it can be useful when it acts as a kind of internal emergency alarm, but it can also lie to us.#6: Maria Guedez (bapebyto.1) on Mar 13, 2009
I'd rather live in *this* world, than in any decade previous. The thirties were desperate, the forties were devastating, the fifties were terrifying, the sixties were a struggle, and the seventies were just plain mean. Did you know statistically crime rates have fallen right across the board, with the exception of those few areas that just weren't reported before (such as spousal abuse and rape?)?
I tell my kids to think of fear like this - imagine a dog runs at you barking loudly. It's natural to be afraid, but letting yourself give in to fear will only get you bit. You have to stand up and face that dog and show it who's boss.
Thank you! rebelcat for the advice, the thing is that I live in Venezuela and in here we are facing a country without laws. It´s hard to go on the streets with no fear. I´ve been robed 4 times already, 2 by knife, 2 by gun and one by a 10 years old kid, I´ve have many friends that have been kidnap. So you see for us here, fear it´s not just a feeling it´s a reality. I try to make it easy for my son, somethimes i made up stories just like in the movie of Roberto Benigni "life it´s beautiful" but I can hide everything from him.#7: Jota (jota) on Mar 13, 2009
Maria I feel for you! I left Venezuela 15 years ago and have never been back. My family lives there though and I constantly worry about them. It's so sad, a very rich country were most people are so poor. If only a leader who loved the country were to stand up!#8: Teresa K (fasstar) on Mar 13, 2009 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#9: Maria Guedez (bapebyto.1) on Mar 13, 2009
Thank´s for the comments Jota and Teresa, it seems awful when you write about it, but here we are getting use to live this way (I think these is the worse part). Anyway I stand by my wish and my hope of a better world, with out leaders that don´t deserve to be.#10: Jota (jota) on Mar 13, 2009
By the way Maria in my head I always call you "bebe-patito" which is what I first read on your nickname. : )#11: Meg Tayler (rebelcat) on Mar 13, 2009
Maria - I didn't know you were in Venezuela - I was responding to the comparatively irrational fear the people in my country feel.#12: Maria Guedez (bapebyto.1) on Mar 14, 2009
However, I can definitely sympathize with your feelings! My mother is in Pakistan. Her home was literally meters from the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team, she heard everything. She told me it was less scary than 911.
She's the strongest lady I know. She's never backed down from anyone. But she hates what's going on in Pakistan - especially because most of her students *are* used to it and hardly notice the murders and kidnappings any more.
But she was in Romania during the reconstruction back in the 90's, so she reminds me that countries can change. It *can* get better, just as long as there are people who believe it's possible.
Thank´s for the courage rebelcat!#13: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Apr 5, 2009
That´s my wish all about, people should LIVE!! not survive.
Totally wonderful puzzle. Tremendous imagination and skill to get all the different views in. Thank you.#14: Velma Warren (Shiro) on Aug 23, 2018
Totally great image.
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