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Comments on Puzzle #4688: Inside Out
By Teresa K (fasstar)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line logic only  

Puzzle Description:

Our "Inside" couple out on the town. Big date in the city. What is going on inside their heads now? And what is that she is holding anyway?

#1: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 9, 2009 [SPOILER]

What is she holding?

a) Concert tickets
b) Wedding invitation
c) High school reunion mapquest directions
d) Printout of Adam's giant pbn puzzle

Pick a scenario. Write your own script.
#2: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jan 9, 2009 [SPOILER]
I say zoo ticket they are going to see the marvelous "monkeyboy" doing his "painting" .... quite a show the critic said
#3: Shallyn (shallyn) on Jan 9, 2009
Looks like she's holding a clutch purse to me.
#4: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jan 9, 2009
A large scratch-n-sniff sticker?
#5: Jota (jota) on Jan 9, 2009
So that's not the arm?
#6: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jan 9, 2009
ROFL! Yes, it is HIS arm... I see what you were saying, now. LOL!!!!
#7: Jota (jota) on Jan 9, 2009
You led me to it, so don't play innocent. LOL
#8: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 9, 2009
Oh you guys are sooooo bad! Now let's go back to Comment #1 and start over. lol
#9: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jan 9, 2009
I vote for "d," of course.
#10: Jane Doe (telly) on Jan 9, 2009 [SPOILER]
my vote is "b". her dress is too low cut for a high school prom (at least, I'd never let my daughter, if I had one, out in something like that while she's still living under my roof :).) As for "a", too typical and "d" is just funny ;)
Question: Who's wedding invitation would it be for?
#11: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 9, 2009 [SPOILER]
Telly, it's their high school reunion (10 years) so she's allowed to be all sophisticated and sexy. But have you seen what the girls are wearing to their proms? Low cut just like this. But not your daughter of course. If you had one. lol

She's thinking, "I wonder if my classmates will still think I'm hot. I hope so after losing 10 pounds and stuffing myself into this slinky dress."

He's thinking, "Wow, she sure looks good tonight. I'm not gonna let her out of my sight."

He's telling her, "Honey, allow me to escort the most beautiful graduate of the Class of '99." (He's no dummy, this one.)
#12: Jane Doe (telly) on Jan 10, 2009
I missed the reunion part...don't know what I was reading...makes more sense now :)
#13: Beth (Shasta) on Jan 11, 2009
I am glad SHE has the directions so they actually got there but it is time for her to put them down and get on with the evening!
#14: Jenny Hart (jhart111) on Jan 11, 2009
Ok, so my husband just walked in the room while this completed puzzle was up and he said, "Pay me?". I can't stop laughing!
#15: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jan 11, 2009
Huh? "Pay me?"
#16: Jenny Hart (jhart111) on Jan 11, 2009
If you look at the picture without knowing the story behind it, it looks like someone asking for money.
#17: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 11, 2009
Jenny, it sure does look like he's asking for something. Maybe this is what is going on:

Guy: Gimme the concert tickets

Gal: Why?

Guy: So I can hold them when we go into the concert hall.

Gal: No.

Guy: Why not.

Gal: Cuz I bought them with my money, they're my tickets, and I'm taking you. So I'll hold them.

Guy: But I'm the man. I should hold the tickets.

Gal: Well, if you're such a big man, why don't YOU buy the tickets for once? Why do I have to be the one who pays for everything?

Guy: You don't pay for EVERYthing. Just last week, I bought you a new coffee maker.

Gal: Yeah, but I don't drink coffee. You do. You bought it so I would make you coffee when you come over. So it wasn't really for me, was it?

Guy Um, I guess not... Tell ya what - I'll buy you a T-shirt inside, if you let me hold the tickets while we go in.

Gal: Okay.

Guy: I love you.

Gal: I love you too. Sigh.

#18: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jan 12, 2009 [SPOILER]
Good one, Teresa! We knew a couple in which the man would have to give the money to the waitress when we would go out to eat with them. He would give her the money-- not pay for it. The woman would give him the money before the waitress got there. Yuck!
#19: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jan 12, 2009 [SPOILER]
Also, I like her dress!
#20: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 12, 2009 [SPOILER]
Thanks, Arduinna. He likes her dress too. What's his name? I can't remember. Adam, help! We need a good script!
#21: Diana W (aeris) on Apr 22, 2010 [SPOILER]
Aberforth: (Wow, I don’t care where we’re going, as long as she’s wearing that.) Are you ready to go?

Gertrude: (Sigh, this dress is so uncomfortable. Well, at least it finally got him out of his baseball cap. What kind of man still wears his hat while he sits down to eat with a lady?) Yes, but where’s your car?

Aberforth: (Darn carburetor. What does it do anyways, besides break? I can’t let her know that I can’t fix my own car, though.) Er… you look so beautiful tonight, I know I won’t be able to keep my eyes on the road, so I thought we’d take a taxi.

Gertrude: (What a lame line. He’s deluding himself if he thinks I’m doing anything other than eat once I peel this dress off. I’m starving! Ugh, I’m never dieting again.) Aw, you’re so sweet. Let’s go, then.
#22: Teresa K (fasstar) on Apr 22, 2010
#23: Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) on Dec 13, 2010
aw man - this is so cool. so fun to solve. and i love the story, and i also love how other people are adding to it. wow - too cool, teresa:-)
#24: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 13, 2010
Oh, I guess it did go a little further. I had forgotten. :-)

Goto next topic

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