peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: david bryan (bdaved) on Jan 15, 2009
Thank you, that's an interesting design.#2: GabrielMyCat (gabrielmycat) on Oct 7, 2010
interesting. not sure if I like it, but had fun doing it... I'm torn...#3: Susan Nagy (susannagy54) on Jun 4, 2014
Yes, it is an interesting design, and it was fun to do. I am looking for letters and/or numbers -- in the "English" alphabet. I see what might be an eight or a capital B (the blue), a cursive capital S, or perhaps an ampersand (the red), another ampersand or a skewed eight (the white). The green might be a 3, or a capital B. If I look any longer I will probably see more -- lower case g's, for instance.
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