Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Comments on Puzzle #38854: Dutch Glory
By Bas (Basch)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: trivial  

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#1: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Sep 6, 2024

Before everyone gets carried away with making a flag, there is a comment from Jan about flags:

If you solve many puzzles on this site, you will eventually hit a puzzle showing a flag of somebody else's country. You will naturally be inspired to produce a puzzle showing a flag of your country. The problem with this is that the vast majority of the world's flags have very simple designs and, if presented unimaginatively, make very boring puzzles. The flags which do make half-way decent puzzles are already well represented on the site.
So if you want to do a flag, try to present it in some imaginative way. At the very least, draw it waving in the wind. Or show it flying over the heads of the heros of the great revolution as they defend the barriers with pitchforks. Or use it as a background for a portrait of the much beloved under-secretary of educational reform.
#2: Courtenay Footman (Courtenay) on Sep 6, 2024
Is there a difficulty rating that is lower than easy? :)
#3: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Sep 6, 2024 [SPOILER]
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#4: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Sep 6, 2024 [HINT]
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