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Comments on Puzzle #38850: Early shopping days
By Norma Dee (norm0908)

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#1: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Sep 3, 2024

Many years ago before World War I, my dad was working as a clerk in a hardware strore in a small town in Arizona. A woman came in and wanted to buy one bullet. "Just one?" my dad asked. She replied, "Yep. Gonna kill me a skunk." He remarked that she must be a really good shot. To which she replied, "Yep." And left with her purchase.

The next day when my dad arrived at work he learned that the woman had gone home and shot her husband.
#2: Lenore Wilkison (fidelio) on Sep 3, 2024
Somehow I saw that coming ;-D
#3: Belita (belita) on Sep 4, 2024 [SPOILER]
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#4: Jota (jota) on Sep 4, 2024
ROFL Belita!
#5: Meg Smith (mamadragonfreak) on Sep 6, 2024 [SPOILER]
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#6: Joanne Firla (JoFirla) on Sep 8, 2024
That's what I call severe critter control. lolol
#7: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Sep 8, 2024

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