Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Comments on Puzzle #38834: Oregon Trail Alternative Ending
By Steve (StevieB)

peek at solution       solve puzzle
  version: 2    quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line logic only  

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#1: Steve (StevieB) on Aug 26, 2024 [SPOILER]

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#2: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Aug 26, 2024
Unpublished by StevieB
#3: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Aug 27, 2024
New version published by StevieB.
#4: Yonah Kondor (yokon965) on Aug 27, 2024
Shouldda seen that coming! :D
#5: Belita (belita) on Aug 27, 2024 [SPOILER]
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#6: Joanne Firla (JoFirla) on Aug 28, 2024 [SPOILER]
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#7: Seth Mizrachi (smizorac) on Aug 29, 2024
I remember the first time I played, elementary school computer lab, I didn't know what the word ammunition meant and my party starved.
#8: Leo M. (LarsFox) on Aug 31, 2024 [SPOILER]
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#9: Steve (StevieB) on Sep 3, 2024
The Oregon Trail was often pretty grim too, Leo

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