peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
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#1: Jan Wolter (jan) on Feb 26, 2006
Another very nice puzzle. With both this and the last puzzle you entered, I had the feeling that a lot of effort had been made to make them solvable while still having nice images. There are aspects, like all the ones in the bottom two rows of this puzzle, that can easily result in unsolvable puzzles if not handled just right. It's neat to be able to incorporate a those kinds of elements in to get a nice image, and still be able to make it solve. You're very good at this. Have you created puzzles before?#2: Janet Kennedy (goose) on Feb 26, 2006
I wouldn't change this puzzle, but it is possible to eliminate some of the blank columns at the sides. Use the arrow controls to shift the image over to the left, save the puzzle, then enter a smaller size when you re-enter it. I like to keep the puzzle size a multiple of five, even if that means a few blank columns or rows, but this one could have had five fewer columns.
Thanks for the hint about moving the puzzle. I was trying to figure out how to do that without recreating it. I've never made puzzles before, but I love doing these puzzles and wanted to give it a try.#3: Jan Wolter (jan) on Feb 27, 2006
Well, you're doing great.#4: Mark Conger (aruba) on Mar 5, 2006
Nice one! I'm puzzled by the title, though. :?#5: Janet Kennedy (goose) on Mar 6, 2006
Mark - The title refers to 'WYSIWYG' which is seen in computer magazines. It means that what you see on screen is what the print out will look like.#6: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Oct 12, 2007
Nice puzzle. I like the bottom edge.#7: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 16, 2008
I agree with Jan. Lots of 1's could make it unsolvable, but you arranged it nicely.
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