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Topic #36: To comment or not to comment
By Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty)

#1: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jul 29, 2007

I don't know if you notice but when you go to the comment page of a puzzle you seem to see only the same user over and over again ( like for exemple, Jan, Marz,gypso and myself)

I know that their is more activity on the site than the 4 of us but people don't seem to think is important to leave a comment.

Dor myself I try to leave a comment in every puzzle I do online. Sometime just a small congratulation or a thanks and sometime more. I think it a manner of respect for the creator of the puzzle.

Sometime funny conversation happen and it give a second live to the puzzle ( Jan story on the real first man on the moon in one of Marz puzzle for exemple)

So what are yours tought on commenting puzzle?? I'm cuurious to konw.

that was my comment... :)
#2: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Jul 29, 2007
I think it is nice to hear comments from other people on a puzzle that I have created, just so I know that there are other people out there, but I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I hear from the regulars, so that keeps me happy :)
#3: Jan Wolter (jan) on Jul 30, 2007
I like the little conversations on this site almost more than the puzzles. I enjoy getting a little sense of who the other people are on the site, and even developing a bit of a sense of a community.

Besides being fun, I also think it leads to more and better puzzles being posted, because people who create puzzles enjoy getting feedback, and it's always more fun to make things for people you know than for strangers. I like that the tone is pretty positive and encouraging here. I've hardly ever seen anyone insult anyone else's efforts.

My experience with on-line forums suggests that the majority of people who read these things will rarely or never post. I've never really understood that. I can hardly stand listening to a conversation without joining into it. But I know a lot of people feel most comfortable doing that.

That can actually be a bit disconcerting sometimes, the sense that the friendly conversations being held by the small group of active posters are being seen by many silent watchers. I think it's the reason some people start going a little crazy in on-line forums. People get worried about how those silent observers will be perceiving them, and start posturing for them instead of talking to the other active users. The defining symptom of this is arguing with things nobody said. Luckily, puzzles are a fairly un-controversial subject, so it's a bit easier to stay sane in this forum.
#4: Martial (marso) on Nov 3, 2007
I always read the comments after I solve a puzzle.
I also like very much to read the comments for my puzzles.
The fact that we are located all around the globe is nice too, the puzzles are connecting us into a world-wide community!
#5: Gypso (Gypso) on Jul 31, 2007
I agree with Sylvain about commenting being a matter of respect and appreciation for the people creative and generous enough to post a puzzle. Many times I've been too dopey to think of saying anything but "Thanks". Most of the time I do try to be a bit more specific. Especially if I think the creator is a fairly young person. I think it's important as a community (local and global) to positively reinforce peaceful creativity and thinking outside the box- no pun intended.

Like Jan, I enjoy the banter among this community. I enjoy hearing where people live, what they enjoy doing and above all the quirky sense of humor. My 21 year old son found me grinning from ear to ear one night and I showed him the flower Meg Taylor (rebelcat) had "made for me". He said that he was glad that I had finally found my people! LOL It's fun to know other people who love these puzzles. Thank you Jan for cultivating the soil and planting the seeds of this community garden. It's brought great joy to my heart. In my home, "You da bomb!"

You can't force someone to comment Sylvain, any more than you can force someone to be polite or play nice. Besides, a forced comment wouldn't be sincere. I sure don't want anyone feeling too intimidated to join in. All I know is that I was immediately welcomed and encouraged and I think everyone is. I think some people just want to have fun with a puzzle and not have to deal with any one. I can respect that.

It hadn't occurred to me Jan that there were silent listeners. That is a little creepy.:O Then again so are people like me who spend most of their free (or not so free) time obsessing over these delightful creations. :D Your observation of people "arguing with things nobody said" is stunning. That's a good insight to use during those pesky recurring circular arguments that never make sense. Thank you again.

Do I hear a concern that the comments might be unwieldy? Or am I arguing with things nobody said! lol
#6: Jan Wolter (jan) on Aug 1, 2007
Also it should be noted that there are likely a lot of users who don't speak enough English to feel comfortable in participating in a mostly English conversation.
#7: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Aug 1, 2007
Jan touch a good point here. Just by looking at the name of some of the member we see that english is probablyt not their first language.

Just me being a "french canadien" ( I so hate that term) I sometime have to resentence myself three to four time to be able to say exactly what I want, ( no pratice make me a sloppy english writter) And I probably do a lot of sentences without even notice it
#8: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Aug 1, 2007
edit of the post #7

And I probably do a lot of mistake in my sentences without even notive it

( And that do not included typing and distracting error)
#9: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Aug 2, 2007
Sylvain, I love to read your comments, I can almost hear your accent, and I have noticed your writing improve over the months, I think it must be very hard for you sometimes but you have persisted and that is very admirable, good on you. Just wondering also, you said you hate the term "French Canadian" Why is this and what would be a better term, just curious. :)
#10: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Aug 2, 2007
To Marz
It's just the fact that only european and american use that term. Here we say we are Québécois since we're from the province of Québec. And I don't know if you are familliar or not with the history of our country but french canadian ( ahhhhh) descend from frenchmen and the rest of canada ( and the states by the way) descend from the british. The fact that we are a small french island in a sea of englismen and that like Astérix and his tribe we never been assimilate is someting to be proud of. People of québec we're able to keep their language, their religion and their law system. So the term french canadian for me is kind of an insult to the people before me who sacrifice their lives so we can continue to live the way we are. Plus this year the Canadian prime minister Mr Harper finally adopt the notion of distinct nation for the people of Québec. So we can say that we are french speaking ( at least the majority ) Quebecquer in a beautiful and united Canada. Hope that clarify everything.

By the way for our southern neightbour in the us who are still speaking of Canada as the big white north. We got a 40 C today in Montreal and it as been around 30 all week. ...:)
#11: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Aug 2, 2007
To Sylvain, thankyou so much for clarifying that, I guess school didn't teach enough history, well they say you learn something new everyday and that is certainly true, thanks again, now I can use the term "Quebecois" and know that I wont be insulting anybody. :)
#12: m2 (mercymercy) on Aug 3, 2007
I always knew the French were stubborn ;)But it is good to have you around. Me being a former almost Canadian since I was born in Minnesota.
#13: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 6, 2007
Judy, did I read somewhere that you are from Sweden now? If so, may I ask how that came to be?

Sylvain, I too enjoy your comments. I think that you get your point(s) across quite well. You can't imagine what a mess I'd make out of writing in French! By the way we're a balmy 57 F along the central California coast. I may have to travel north to thaw out!
#14: m2 (mercymercy) on Aug 7, 2007
Yes I am in Sweden. Got bit by the Internet bug and fell in love with a Swede in a chat. Married him for nearly 11 years ago. We met first on the 21st of August in 96 and married December 2nd 96. 16 hours after meeting live. Imagine we are still together. WOW.
#15: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 7, 2007
What a wonderful love story Judy! Congratulations on 11 years of marriage too. What were your biggest adjustments moving from Minnesota to Sweden?
#16: m2 (mercymercy) on Aug 7, 2007
The long days in the summer and the darkness in the winter. Otherwise Sweden and Minnesota are pretty much alike. Of course there was a whole new language to learn but most Swedes are good at English.
#17: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Aug 7, 2007
At least you don't have falling bridge in Sweden...

( I know it's dad to make joke on such tragedy but I could help myself, hope nobody's felling hurt )
#18: m2 (mercymercy) on Aug 8, 2007
I have been on that bridge many times. Even though I am on the other side of the world, it makes me think a lot about what we trust. Oh and Sylvain I remembered that one of my absolute favorite bands is from Canada. Downhere is their name.
#19: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 8, 2007
You're right Judy, it does make you think about the things we trust. After the Loma Prieta quake in '89 it took me well over a year to feel comfortable driving beneath an overpass. If I was stuck in traffic I'd stop 10 car lengths back to avoid standing still under a freeway structure. Funny how I'd forgotten that.
Oh and happy 12th anniversary on the 21st! :)
#20: m2 (mercymercy) on Aug 8, 2007
#21: Twillis (twillis) on Oct 27, 2007
I guess I am one of those silent watchers. I will try to do better making comments, but I am sometimes shy.

Thanks to everyone for making such great puzzles, they've been really fun to do.
#22: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Aug 11, 2007
Hi Theresa, like you I can be shy too, but the beauty of sites like this is it doesn't matter if you are shy, because nobody can see you blush. It's actually a great way to be yourself and socialise a little, it could even help people come out of themselves, maybe even to gain a little confidence in real life social situations, Im certain it has helped me. So give it a go, you might surprise yourself. I also think more folks out there should try their hand at puzzle creation, I have noticed a few new creators lately and they are wonderful, and it is so nice when you get a lovely compliment for your puzzle, I am a self confessed compiment junkie, I love all complements and comments, and in saying that I would like to thank everyone who has done so to my puzzles, I loves em :)
#23: Twillis (twillis) on Oct 27, 2007
Thanks! Well, I might try making a puzzle someday, but have no idea how right now. The picture part I could do, but the unique and no-guessing part I'm not sure about at all.

I just finished your Mermaid, by the way. She was a hoot.
#24: Jan Wolter (jan) on Aug 11, 2007
Puzzle creation isn't, in my opinion, enormously difficult. It helps a lot of you have at least a modicum of artistic talent, but you can get by with just fiddling with the image until it looks good.

The unique and no-guessing part isn't that hard either. There is a link on the "Create Puzzles" page to a little essay I wrote on puzzle creation that gives lots of hints on how to design images so they will solve. But mostly you just design something, try to solve it, and if it doesn't work, change it, and try again. On you own puzzles, you can always use the "helper" program to try to solve it. This makes testing the puzzles pretty easy.
#25: Twillis (twillis) on Oct 27, 2007
Well, maybe I'll give it a try. Thanks!
#26: Arduinna (arduinna) on Sep 2, 2007
Jan, your little essay has been invaluable! I follow all the suggestions on it. Most of the puzzles I've done I've found on Google images and added my own little embelishments. Sometimes it takes a lot of tweaking to get it solvable, but I haven't had to completely abandon an idea yet. You should give it a try Theresa. By the way, it's nice that you spell your name right-- I'm Theresa with an H too! ;)
#27: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jun 26, 2010
whats this google image stuff? my pics came outta my head...could someone explain this :)
Teresa has no H lol
#28: Tom King (sgusa) on Nov 16, 2011
Not going to read all of this, but lrkers are everywhere. I think posting a comment as simple as, "Thanks," encourages creators to create. I went a long long time without posting comments, started a few weeks ago, and "Voila," I started to produce. I know quite a bit about the dynamics of posting, and would certainly encourage it.
#29: Kadou (Kadou) on Feb 3, 2012
Please do comment!
I understand some are not at ease with words, but just a few words mean a lot to the puzzle creator. It's nice to know a puzzle is appreciated.
A high rating speaks for itself, but there are so many reasons for a lower rating. I would also appreciate criticism so as to improve my creations. Better puzzle making will in turn make for more enjoyable puzzles. When a rating is low, I know a puzzle is not good, I don't always know why.
Comments like: "too hard", "not enough white", "text puzzle", "don't see it", "don't like this..." are as comforting as "fun solve". It's not knowing that's annoying!
When I work on a puzzle, I see the image cleary. It's nice to have another pair of eyes from a player.
Please don't be afraid to make suggestions. Thanks!
#30: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 4, 2012
10-4 Kadou

Goto next topic

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