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#1: Christian Heckmann Engelbrecht (CEngelbrecht) on Jan 7, 2021
25th. Now.#2: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Jan 7, 2021
It's up to Pence. And from what I saw of him yesterday, it's not impossible.#3: besmirched tea (Besmirched Tea) on Jan 7, 2021 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#4: Susan Eberhardt (susaneber) on Jan 7, 2021
I don't usually do flag puzzles but this one was nice.#5: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Jan 7, 2021
Distress is right. Pence was supposed to leave on a trip right after the ballot count in Congress--Don't know if that's still on. When it was announced in December I wondered if it was a way to get him out of town and not available to take the presidency and pardon Trump. To my thinking, it doesn't matter if Trump is pardoned of federal crimes. A pardon would remove his fifth amendment rights and could make it easier to get to the truth, which we need badly, especially regarding Russia. Perjury after the pardon would be a new crime. Then there are plenty of state crimes that could lead to conviction, fines and incarceration.
I just want to see him face the music for once in his life. He has damaged so much. He has hurt so many people. He has caused so much death. A normal person couldn't sleep with all that on his conscience...but he doesn't even think that way...he places blame anywhere but on himself.#6: Donna McFarland (Baby Jade) on Jan 8, 2021
I understand everyone's feeling and agree, BUT why should he have to pay when Hilery and so many others committed so much crime even presidents and got away with it. Besides they have only a little over a week to do something and from what I understand it takes longer to do anything impeach or 25th.#7: Susan Eberhardt (susaneber) on Jan 8, 2021
Donna, you're right, previous presidents have been let off the hook, and maybe that's why a person like Trump could rise to power. But his crimes are much worse than anything previous presidents have done. If he is not held to account, future presidents will have no reason to obey our laws. As for Hillary, Republicans have had her under a microscope for decades and could never find a crime. They would have jumped to indict if they could. I think it's time to say they proved her innocent and let that rest.#8: Donna McFarland (Baby Jade) on Jan 8, 2021
Thank you Susan for your point of view and I do agree. There is no way I am in favor of what Trump did. His actions since the election have been unforgiveable, and any good that he did do has been undone.#9: Ga Hendrick (GaHendrick) on Jan 12, 2021 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#10: Steven K Grant (ffgrant) on Aug 29, 2024
I would gladly deal with mean tweets in exchange for world peace, half the price gas and groceries, and freedom of speech. That guy ya'll hate will fix the economy.#11: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Aug 30, 2024
Please allow me to respond.#12: Joanne Firla (JoFirla) on Aug 30, 2024
World peace? Don't you mean a new world order. The guy is a threat to American democracy. His coup was unsuccessful last time, but he and his associates have probably learned from their "mistakes" and are glad to have another bite at the apple.
As for cheap gas, this provides no incentive to change a globally self-destructive behavior. Gasoline should be $20/gallon with the extra money going toward getting electric vehicle subsidies. We need to ween ourselves away from a fossil fuel economy and toward a sustainable one. Yes, it will mean a large investment in infrastructure and phasing out the internal combustion engine. But our very future existence on the planet demands it.
I always did think it was a mistake to ban him from Twitter/X. He should be allowed to say whatever hateful thing he chooses. It will probably lead to his downfall anyway. He just can't help himself. I should point out that he and his administration were more antagonistic toward the mainstream media than any other in recent time.
As far as him fixing the economy that he and COVID destroyed, that job has already been done. Unemployment in down, wages are up, and the market is booming. His two tricks are tariffs which are just an additional tax on the American consumer and tax breaks for the rich which never works.
Steven, (or anyone else) I look forward to hearing your response to my screed. I know my position is well entrenched, but I really do want to hear your side. In particular, I would like to know what draws you toward him. There are many other fiscally conservative republicans who would make fine presidents. They seem to all get bowled over by this juggernaut.
I'm wondering about electric cars and how sustainable they are. How do we plug in more things when there are still rolling brown outs in larger cities using a lot of electricity? And doesn't making batteries leave a pretty big footprint on the world? What happens when all of those car batteries can't be recharged? I'm not against clean energy. I'm all for it. I'm just wondering if this is the way to go.#13: Joanne Firla (JoFirla) on Aug 30, 2024
You would think by now someone would invent a special paint that can be used as solar power on cars and capture that source for charging the batteries or powering the vehicle. (or house paint for powering your house) Just saying...
What about making gas engines more efficient in the meantime? Why can't they make something that gets more miles per gallon? And I mean A LOT more.
How about figuring out how to utilize electromagnetic power? Surely there are smart people out there that have enough curiosity to figure out something better than what we have.
What about using Chlorophyll as a power source? It converts sunlight into energy. Come on, people, someone think of an alternative to what we are already using.
I'm not into pointing fingers and blaming others. I believe in coming up with solutions. I'm limited in my knowledge to go any farther to find sustainability for a healthy planet.
Sigh. Maybe it's just time to go back to horseback riding.
And just for the record, I find anyone who stands there and calls people names and blames everyone else for everything is not presidential material. Would you or someone in your family want to date or hang out with someone like that? Polite pass. Time to move on.
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