peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
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#1: besmirched tea (Besmirched Tea) on Nov 13, 2020
I don't think it's a waste of time.#2: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Nov 13, 2020
My one-star WOT recipients are "quilts" and abstract Pollock-like images, and I give 2 stars for text that isn't hilarious or anything that looks like it was drawn in under a minute.
This took some counting and logic, which means it's a bona fide puzzle, not a waste of time. :)#3: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Nov 13, 2020
For small circles, I usually do something like 5/3,3/2,2/1,1/2,2/1,1/1,1/1,1/2,2/1,1/3,3/5. Try it. I think you will find it a much more satisfying looking circle. I did a puzzle of these mostly as a circle guide for myself but now I've forgotten where it is. I'll go look.
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