peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Vicki Woods (vickicwoods) on May 15, 2020
You were joking when you said "hard". I liked it.#2: Holly Lynn McDaniel Evans (hollybob7) on May 15, 2020
I love puzzles like this (as long as they are actually solvable).#3: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 16, 2020
simple color logic....yes, not at all difficult. easy peasy with no discernible image.#4: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on May 16, 2020
Agree with Kurt.#5: Steven Paradise (gossamerica) on Sep 8, 2021
Not an exciting image, but good introduction to color logic.#6: BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) on Jun 5, 2022
This is a good one to try to solve with the minimal number of clicks, iow, 56 for this grid, if you have your settings to remove a color from the cycle once it has been placed as many times as it appears (there's gotta be a better way to say that, tho maybe not at 1:39 am....)#7: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Jun 6, 2022
I would do it in fewer than that. I have my mouse set up so that the right button resets to "unknown", the middle button sets the left button to whatever color is under the pointer (the eyedropper) and the left button paints the current color.
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