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quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Jan 13, 2020
That would really suck too!#2: Susan Nagy (susannagy54) on Jan 13, 2020
I had just done your puzzle about fear of sleep. So, maybe the fear of sleep is really fear of dreams.#3: sanane samanye (maceraseven) on Jan 14, 2020
Not really. Fear of sleep is about not waking up and dying in sleep. Fear of dreams is about what to dream about.#4: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Feb 13, 2020
The problem is, if you never go to sleep, you will definitely die. So you'd die awake. I should think that is worse than in your sleep, but fear is a powerful trick of the mind.
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