peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: CB Paul (cbpaul) on Jan 2, 2020
Aw shucks, you just ran outta ideas for the other days, right? :)#2: Koreen (mom24plus) on Jan 2, 2020
One very tricky solve.
I LOVE it!#3: besmirched tea (Besmirched Tea) on Jan 3, 2020
Nice#4: Susan Eberhardt (susaneber) on Jan 3, 2020
Many Americans celebrate Christmas more than 12 days. There's the office party, the cub scout party, the school concert, the ubiquitous music and decoration, something at a club you belong to, etc. It's a good thing those days don't include leaping lords and dozens of poultry. The golden rings would be nice, though.#5: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Jan 3, 2020
Great idea to cap the puzzle series.
Ditto all...Wonderful!!#6: Jota (jota) on Jan 3, 2020
Thank you for a wonderful entertainment Belita!#7: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jan 3, 2020
I'm glad I'm not the only one who loses track after 8. :)#8: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jan 3, 2020
Unexpected twist. Funny!#9: Julio Parra (Julio Parra) on Jan 25, 2020
Bonito puzzle y trabajoso de resolver.#10: Belita (belita) on Feb 17, 2020
Gracias, Julio. You must be looking through my old puzzles. I often have to go to Google translate to read your comments, but I thank you for your compliments.#11: Julio Parra (Julio Parra) on Feb 28, 2020
De nada Belita, te mereces mi aplauso.
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