peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: trivial
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#1: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Dec 3, 2019
It may not be boring to make, but it's boring to solve, when there are no white spaces. There's no logic involved, no puzzle to solve.#2: Stephanie Walker (callmeseverus) on Dec 6, 2019
I got the same complaints... I was doing a series of quilting patterns, and a couple of them didn't have white spaces, and people LOST THEIR MINDS! Lol! Oh well, you can't please everyone, I guess...#3: BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) on Feb 28, 2023
Actually, right before bed I like an easy solve, so the no-whites fit the bill....even so, to make it a bit challenging, I solve in order the colors rotate (black, red, green, blue) so if I do it right, I need to click any cell once....I am frustrated with those who harp on the idea that it's not a puzzle if there's no white. There are any nber of puzzles here that turn out to have visually ugly solutions, sometimes even so shoddily thought out that you can't tell what the image is, even after being told in the notes. Quilt patterns are an obvious kind of puzzle where aesthetics matter, but still there are those who will natter ...
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