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Comments on Puzzle #3289: two
By Magnus Boivie (boivie)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line logic only  

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#1: Linda Lee Martin (dogmom) on Aug 16, 2008

ah! tricky negative image...
#2: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 16, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#3: Jane Doe (telly) on Aug 16, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#4: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Aug 16, 2008
#5: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Aug 17, 2008
LINDA...thank you for the "negative image" comment...or I would never have seen it! I thought it was some kind of Russian morse code at first, and didn't appreciate it until I read what you wrote and rechecked it! Lol!
#6: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Aug 17, 2008
Sorry...double post
#7: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Aug 17, 2008
Aw nuts...Sorry...triple post *blush*
#8: Magnus Boivie (boivie) on Aug 18, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#9: Arduinna (arduinna) on Aug 18, 2008
Thanks for the link. I tried to google it, but I did it before I read the comments and I didn't actually know what I was looking for!

Are you from the Ukraine, Boivie? (Is that your first name or your surname?)

Nice beginner puzzle by the way. It demonstrates how these puzzles work in a very tiny format and the final result is surprising.
#10: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 18, 2008 [HINT]
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#11: Magnus Boivie (boivie) on Aug 18, 2008
My fiancée is from Ukraine. We were there recently, and since I don't understand their languages, I had plenty of time to think about how to create the puzzle.
#12: Bionerd (nieboo) on Aug 18, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#13: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Aug 26, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#14: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 26, 2008
#15: Jane Doe (telly) on Aug 26, 2008
you mean go to topic 112, sylvain. There isn't a 121 yet. sorry. Didn't see adam's post yet
#16: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Aug 26, 2008
yeah my bad I didn't check back the # before posting it
#17: Jane Doe (telly) on Aug 26, 2008
#18: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 26, 2008
#19: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Apr 5, 2010
nice neg.
#20: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Sep 1, 2016
#21: Greggo (Greggo) on Dec 4, 2017
Добрій !
#22: Belita (belita) on Apr 28, 2022
Takes on new meaning now. I hope Boivie's family is okay.

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