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Comments on Puzzle #32801: alert
By Mak Đurašek (Maki)

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#1: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Sep 12, 2019

Actually, the 20% oxygen was a misquote. According to Newsweek: "I have seen this 20 percent all over the place on social media, it doesn't really make much sense," Scott Saleska from the University of Arizona, told Newsweek. "There are many, many reasons to be concerned—nay, terrified—by the resurgence of deforestation and burning of Amazonian forests, but a risk to the world's oxygen supply is not one of them."

In fact, the world's oxygen levels are actually quite stable and are not dependent on rain forests, which use up as much of the gas as they produce in the long run, according to Philip Fearnside, a professor at Brazil's National Institute of Amazonian Research.

Aside from this, I really like your puzzle. A bit of a challenge but not too difficult.
#2: Teresa K (fasstar) on Sep 13, 2019
First of all, I love your puzzle, Mak. Nicely done.

Norma, thanks for bringing to light the misquote that has been spreading through media lately. It's always good to do a little fact checking.

I wanted to know more, including who this Saleska is, and what other scientists think. I found out that Saleska is a doctor of ecology and an Amazon expert. I found a good article that has credible citations that explains what's behind the misquote and the real reasons we should be concerned about the Amazon. Instead of quoting a sentence or two, I suggest anyone who is interested in this subject read the entire article.


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