peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Lollipop (lollipop) on May 6, 2019
Sam, you've created a very large puzzle that is just barely on the right side of being a fill-in, and at the end of the tedium involved in completing it there are just words, not an image, and they're not even your words. Thanks for trying, but please click on the Create Puzzles link on the right of your screen for some helpful hints. You haven't yet solved any puzzles on the site. Did you just jump right into creating without trying to see what makes a puzzle enjoyable and thus is highly rated as to quality? Or even the reverse, puzzles that are low-rated so you could avoid that? Did you try to solve your own puzzle before posting it for the rest of us?#2: Raymond Fuller (rfuller4) on May 6, 2019
We're a welcoming group, and I for one encourage you to stay here with us, get some practice, and try again.
Glad I'm retired, otherwise I wouldn't have had the time to work this "puzzle"!#3: CB Paul (cbpaul) on May 9, 2019
I don't do these huge ones very often - too big to work comfortably on my monitor - but every now and then...#4: Andrew Schultz (blurglecruncheon) on Mar 6, 2024 [HINT] [SPOILER]
I found it challenging (and not just for size), interesting to see the words take shape, and interesting with the white and blue bits.
Stick around, sam/joxflim, give it another go. No complaints here.
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