peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solutions: multiple solvability: some guessing?
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#1: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Aug 6, 2008
lol...I love your description (the last part) made me laugh :)#2: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 8, 2008
I am sooo heartbroken that I got told "tooo bad," LOL.#3: Jane Doe (telly) on Aug 8, 2008
lol.#4: Martha Valdés (maval) on Jan 14, 2011
It's not only a "random design" but has random solutions.
The matter shouldn't be about who likes it and who doesn't. If there were a unique solution it would be only an ugly design, but it is an ugly design with multiple solutions.
It isn´t a PBN puzzle because multiple solutions attempts cannot be considered PBN puzzles.
Ref #2: I'm heartbroken "tooo"
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