peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: moderate lookahead
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#1: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Mar 4, 2019
It's been quite a while since I subscribed to a newspaper. Kind of sad. But. then. most of us don't use horse and buggies anymore, either.#2: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Mar 4, 2019 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#3: Susan Eberhardt (susaneber) on Mar 4, 2019
I still get our local newspaper delivered but subscribe to the NY Times and Washington Post online. First thing in the morning, I do a slew of puzzles. The news can wait.#4: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Mar 4, 2019
It does look like a head and hands behind a newspaper. Nice puzzle.
Unpublished by mootpoint#5: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Mar 4, 2019
Republished without change by mootpoint#6: Lollipop (lollipop) on Mar 4, 2019
I read the Ottawa and Montreal newspapers, as well as, I'm a little embarrassed to admit, USA Today (the People magazine of newspapers -- I became addicted when I was spending winters in Florida) on my cell. I don't have the time to read an actual newspaper, but I keep current with the news while standing in line or in the doctor's waiting room.#7: Boaty (mcboatface) on Mar 4, 2019
Doesn't seem all that long ago that I had 2 local dailies, a national daily, and 2 twice-weekly community papers delivered here. Wow. That was a lot of paper. Just the two freebie community papers now.#8: Steve (stevieb) on Mar 4, 2019
I though the answer was a sunburnt penguin...#9: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Mar 4, 2019
Head wearing reading glasses behind paper held in hands.#10: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Mar 4, 2019
Found to be solvable with moderate lookahead by infrapinklizzard.#11: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Mar 4, 2019 [HINT]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view hints#12: Velma Warren (Shiro) on Mar 4, 2019
Why bother to make this?#13: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Mar 4, 2019
I actually prefer this to a lot of puzzles on here that are only pictures with no logic needed. Even if the picture is lacking, there is a modicum of logic needed to finish this puzzle.#14: Teresa K (fasstar) on Mar 4, 2019
However, I suspect this one wasn't made to be a paragon of puzzlemaking. It was made to further the social aspect of this site. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Certainly creators like to know that people are enjoying their puzzles. And the best way to know that is by receiving comments on them. One way to get people who normally don't comment to do so is with a puzzle that asks a question.
I enjoyed the solve, Brian. I had to read your description to see the image, and now it makes perfect sense.#15: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Mar 5, 2019
My mom, who is 99.6 yo and legally blind, still gets her daily newspaper delivered to her. She give the Sunday funnies to one of her kids and the Sports section to another. She pays someone to come in 3 days a week to read the paper to her (headlines and select articles). I told her I could access her paper online and I even read it to her one day. But that just isn't the same. Even blind, she prefers the real thing. (✬‿✬)
I thought this puzzle was fun once I realized what it was. Brian often has a way of thinking outside of the box that is quite refreshing.#16: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Mar 5, 2019
Thanks everyone.#17: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Mar 5, 2019
Velma, I suppose all my puzzles aren't for everyone's tastes. I usually make puzzles that I like to solve. I like to play with with "negative space". Zebras, pandas, and skunks make great subjects for puzzles.
When the puzzle comes out too easy, I'll often add blots to make it more of a challenge to the solver.
There are puzzles I don't care for either such as pattern puzzles or fill ins with no (or very little) white space. I like to solve puzzles that have an image when you are done. I'm not a big fan of word puzzle but I always do them. I don't usually solve big puzzles because I find it difficult to see when the clues are small and there is a lot of scrolling. Sometimes I'll print those out and do them on paper.
I especially love puzzles where the image pops into view on the last pixel. Puzzles with puns, jokes, games, or other puzzle are fun too.
I think you should find a puzzle creator you like and search for all their puzzles. It is all about having fun after all.
I saw the image right a way Brian. I agree with Brian and Norma and others. As creators we don't try to please the masses. We know that not everyone is going to enjoy or get what we are trying to portray. And quite honestly we don't create puzzles hoping to get everyone's approval. We do this cause it's fun,and we get to enjoy a friendly relationship with people from around the world. Velma,you say why bother making a puzzle like this?, I say why bother making a comment that has no positive effect? Praise and criticism are good,but a random why bother...all I can say without being mean is...why bother?#18: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Mar 5, 2019 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#19: Gary Webster (glwebste) on Mar 5, 2019
Back to the question: I still like using paper for newspapers. Two good reasons: it's easier on the eyes and brain, and my dog brings it in every morning. I will NOT let her bring in the laptop!#20: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Mar 5, 2019
Brian, I love your puzzles, and the sheer number of puzzles you create! Keep it up.
First thing I do in the am is put some coffee on while I let out the dog. Then I sip my coffee while I'm on the local news channel's site. I work outdoors, so it's just part of the routine to check the weather...while I'm on the site, I scan the headlines, maybe click on one if it seems interesting. All in all though, most of the "news" is mean, depressing, or infuriating....I don't see a reason to pay for a paper when I'll see the headlines of something that's probably gonna vex me anyway.#21: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Mar 5, 2019
And I enjoyed reading the comments, so thank you! And totally agree with Gary :)
I pondered awhile on how to answer this question, mostly because I think Norma will get mad at me. We subscribe to print copies of a national, regional and community newspapers as well as to several magazines. As a retired librarian, you know I'm all for the print, though I do listen to many books while doing mundane tasks.#22: Kathy Roth (clyde) on Mar 5, 2019
In the U.S. we saved the dying industry of coal mining with its 50,000 jobs, all the while the president continues to lambast the media and newsprint industry. In the U.S., as of 2016, 173,709 employees are in the newspaper publishing industry. That would be quite a lot of people to lose their jobs if newspapers go under. So yes, I support newsprint and I wish the president would too.
Fun and a little silly, and took some logic to solve. I get two local newspapers delivered and read the NY Times on line every day. It's a tragedy watching the journalists and editorial staff get cut over and over. Our entertainment weekly in the Bay Area had been doing quite a lot of investigative journalism, and that all just got cut.#23: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Mar 5, 2019
Eek! don't get me started on the president...#24: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Mar 5, 2019
Carol, I'm not too sure why you thought you would make me angry. My sister and I (both retired for quite a few years now) have often lamented the decline of the newspaper. But, thanks to the internet most people no longer have a paper delivered. As for myself, when social security is your only source of income you have to make choices and I can no longer afford to have a paper delivered. But my first comment was just an observation on the fact that things do change, whether we like it or not. And for the most part, some things are much better than they were 100 years ago: medicine, travel, communication devices, the clothes we wear, etc.#25: Koreen (mom24plus) on Mar 11, 2019
For thirty years, I had to put up with having piles of newspaper all over because my husband subscribed to our large state+local newspaper daily. He read it from cover to cover, but didn't always finish it in one day, so I was not allowed to toss it until it was fully read. Then the ads, ads, and more ads. UGH. Finally, a few years ago, we had to cut every penny we possibly could, and-hallelujah!-he gave it up. Now he reads his "news" on facebook, lol. He still listens avidly to news and talk radio, but that doesn't leave messes for me to clean up.#26: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Mar 11, 2019
Just mental messes. Those talk radio shows can mess with your head.#27: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Mar 12, 2019
Facebook does not have a good reputation for news, either. (to put it mildly)
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