peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Jota (jota) on Feb 2, 2019
WOW! Difficult but fun solve!#2: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Feb 3, 2019
Thx Jota. I can't remember how to use blots. Can you help me please. Maybe then I can get rid of the annoying coloured pixels and do some black and whites.#3: derby (Derby) on Feb 3, 2019
Very tough, enjoyable puzzle. Thanks#4: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Feb 3, 2019
Your very welcome Derby. Creating them is as much fun for me as they are for you to solve them. And getting comments from my webpbn family members is a bonus.#5: Jota (jota) on Feb 4, 2019
Al: Make the puzzle, then press a square that has a 2 above the colors, that indicates you can now go and blot the clues you want, by pressing on them.#6: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Feb 5, 2019
Right,thanks Jota. I'll try on my next puzzle. BTW I wanted to make a puzzle to let everyone know but time has not been on my side so I will tell people here and perhaps you and Norma can spread the word to our webpbn family. I know I've posted something on facebook about it but not everyone is on facebook. So last week Child Protective Services determined that Niki and her boyfriend were not providing a safe and healthy environment for my girls,so they took the girls out from them and brought them to live with me permanently. Providing I don't fail the girls and we know that won't happen. Myself and a lot of my friends from HHT,Church and I imagine WEBPBN have been praying for my girls and God has answered our prayers. The girls are safe and very happy. They have adjusted as if we have never been apart. I have been excelling if I do say so myself at being a great single parent and God is providing in every way and I have a huge support group. Thanks to all for believing in me.#7: Jota (jota) on Feb 6, 2019
Good Luck! You have a treasure in your hands!#8: Velma Warren (Shiro) on Jan 13, 2020
Very tough puzzle. Hard to see image. Lots of guessing needed to solve.#9: Vaggelis Kamaris (evag7651) on Sep 21, 2020
solved. vert hard. some reverts needed.#10: Cupcakey (Cupcakey) on Dec 30, 2020
This was one of the better puzzles I have played in a while. The solvable spaces came in waves, I loved every minute of it. Thank you very much for a fantastic puzzle!
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