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Comments on Puzzle #31798: Some are not quite so thankful for Thanksgiving.
By Norma Dee (norm0908)

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#1: Gaynor Sorrell (gesorrell) on Nov 18, 2018

Another great puzzle, Norma! I do hope the turkey gets away...
#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 18, 2018
Thank you, Gaynor.
#3: Dan Tomlinson (themountainman) on Nov 19, 2018
Nice puzzle. I hope you have a Great Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. It's a wonderful celebration.
#4: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 19, 2018
Thank you, Dan and a great Thanksgiving to you, also.
#5: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 19, 2018
Oh no! Run, Turkey, run! Wait, what am I saying? I love to eat turkey. That was a really fun solve, Norma, and a great image too.
#6: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 19, 2018
Thank you Teresa. During WWII to save on food rationing stamps we got some chickens and I was given the job of feeding and watering them. Being a little kid, I didn't know any better and I made pets out of all of them. When I entered the coop two would fly up on my shoulders and they would all want some attention. And, of course, every time we had chicken for dinner, I would bawl all the way through dinner.
#7: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 20, 2018
Awww. Did your childhood experience affect how you feel about eating chicken as an adult?
#8: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 20, 2018
I got over it and now eat chicken on a regular basis. My grandson who is a wonderful cook made Kung Pao chicken last night. Delish!

Although, if I were to have live chickens now I would probably make pets out of them.
#9: besmirched tea (Besmirched Tea) on Nov 20, 2018 [SPOILER]
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#10: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 20, 2018
lol b t.
#11: Velma Warren (Shiro) on Nov 20, 2018
Wonderful. Quite funny. Great motion.
#12: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 20, 2018
Thank you, Velma.
#13: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Nov 21, 2018
If you're going to name your chickens, you just have to give them names like Dinner, Chow, Vittles, Giblet...

If you want to get fancy, there's Paprikash, Parmesan, Bearnaise, Kung Pao...
#14: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 21, 2018
Orange, salad. a la King, Fried, Pot Pie....
#15: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Nov 23, 2018
That's not a wattle; the farmer didn't chop all the way through with his first stroke!
#16: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 23, 2018
#17: Julio Parra (Julio Parra) on Nov 22, 2019
Puzzle gracioso, sencillo, y que se resuelve con lógica. Y gran historia la narrada por Norma Dee.
#18: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 22, 2019
Muchas Gracias, Julio.

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