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Comments on Puzzle #3177: Siniristilippu
By Magnus Boivie (boivie)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: trivial  

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#1: Merili (merilinnuke) on Jul 29, 2008

I knew exactly what it was going to be just by reading the title :)
#2: Beth (Shasta) on Jul 29, 2008
I did it to find out what the title meant!
#3: Meg Smith (mamadragonfreak) on Jul 29, 2008
so did I! (see #2) i could tell by the numbers what it was going to look like before i started i just wanted to know what it meant.
#4: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jul 31, 2008
cool I learn what siniristilippu means and I resolve my first no-mouse-click puzzle
#5: Jan Wolter (jan) on Aug 1, 2008 [HINT]
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#6: Arduinna (arduinna) on Aug 1, 2008 [HINT]
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#7: Jane Doe (telly) on Aug 1, 2008
ditto #2
#8: Eriikkainen (Eriikka) on Jan 28, 2009
Oh, I always looks so beautiful. Yksinkertaisen kaunista! :)
#9: Kadou (Kadou) on Mar 10, 2012 [SPOILER]
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#10: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Mar 22, 2019
Wouldn't it have been nice to do this puzzle on a breezy day?

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