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quality: difficulty: solvability: trivial
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#1: Kim (kjh) on Oct 5, 2018
Well said, Jill. Thank you!#2: Gylinda B Ryan (Nanya) on Oct 5, 2018
There was no party!#3: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Oct 6, 2018
Oh dear. Already a conflict.#4: besmirched tea (Besmirched Tea) on Oct 6, 2018 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#5: Spot (Pspaughtamus) on Oct 6, 2018
*snerk*#6: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Oct 6, 2018
The correct answer to "have you ever had any lapses in memory?" is "I don't remember."#7: Susan Eberhardt (susaneber) on Oct 6, 2018
Bravo, Brian.#8: Dan Tomlinson (themountainman) on Oct 7, 2018
PBN is the place I come to to escape all the BS . Please stop and think before destroying a great web site. Thank you.#10: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 7, 2018
Quite right. Dan. The fat lady has sung.#11: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Oct 7, 2018
It helps (me!) to joke about it#12: Belita (belita) on Oct 7, 2018
Commentaries don't destroy a great website, but censorship would. Keep making your funny commentaries. If anybody doesn't want a puzzle about politics, they don't have to open one with a title that includes "Kananaugh".#13: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 7, 2018
I have always placed a great value on this site as being a peaceful place where a person goes to get away from all the political crap. With so many sites available where one can engage in political discussions to their hearts content, turning this site into a place to hold political debates would be sad, indeed. Censorship would not be the issue, just a tacit agreement to avoid the turmoil of politically charged arguments.#14: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 8, 2018 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#15: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Oct 8, 2018
Politics or no, this puzzle idea is hilarious!#16: Dan Tomlinson (themountainman) on Oct 8, 2018
Thank you Norma. I love your puzzles best. I would love to have your talent. I feel like I know your characters.#17: Seth Mizrachi (smizorac) on Oct 8, 2018
I like beer, I've always liked beer. Sometimes I had too much beer. Do you like beer?#18: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 8, 2018
Thank you Dan. I love your comment.#20: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 8, 2018
JoDeen, you just made my case for no politics.#21: Kim (kjh) on Oct 8, 2018
Perhaps we could look at this with a different lens which allows us to see something beyond politics. To wit, a situation where a person or people in a position of power are able to marginalize one or more persons who have no such power. The position of power does not mean the political party in power. I think the issue goes beyond the realm of politics, but that is just my pov.#22: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 8, 2018
Norma, I do not see how I have made anyone's point for "no politics." You are certainly entitled to your point of view. I am entitled to mine. You do not have to open, solve or comment on a puzzle about kavanaugh. There are many puzzles I do not solve because they don't interest me. (Yours are not those, by the way...I have enjoyed solving many of yours and have left feedback to that effect) I do not think we need to censor politics on this site. There's room for all of us. This site, for me, is a place to let my hair down and learn about the world and some of its very special members with lots of ideas different from my own. It's delightful to find that while we may not agree on everything, we have tolerance and we usually DO agree on some things. Even if we didn't agree on anything, this is still a site to come and create, come and solve...and come and comment if it's something close to our heart and/or our present life...for me it's cathartic.#23: Tonia Bergh (tonia) on Oct 8, 2018
Great puzzle - made me laugh! Thank you, Jill#24: K.D. (dimassis) on Oct 8, 2018
I'm with you Norma and Dan. I saw the title and my heart sank.#25: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 8, 2018
Thank you, K.D. Your heart may have sank but it's still in the right place.#26: Kim (kjh) on Oct 9, 2018
Norma, you are quite vocal about your desire to not have "politics" be a part of the site. However, when Brian recently made a Row vs Wade pun puzzle, you made a comment: "lol Joe. How far along was your comment when it was aborted?" That seems rather political, it related to the SC, and both puzzle topics touched on women's issues. So, where and by whom is the line drawn?#27: Kim (kjh) on Oct 9, 2018
Joe's and Brian's puzzles have been the most enjoyable for me in the past many months. But, Jan is at rest, Aldege is gone, and Adam, and I think the two Toms and Teresa are also gone, and ilovethispuzzle123 hasn't been here in ages. There don't seem to be wcps, perhaps I am wrong. And, puzzle creators who immediately rate their puzzle quality a 5 as soon as they publish it are permitted. I will try to figure out how to delete my account on the site.#28: merkey (merkey88) on Oct 9, 2018
It seems easy enough to me: if you don't like political discussion (or just discussion that challenges your opinions) then don't open the comment section. Having one joke puzzle doesn't mean you have to immediately open the comments and say it's not appropriate. The puzzle itself is harmless.#29: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 9, 2018
There's 30,000 puzzles on here, you don't have to agree with the creator of every single one of them. Political stances, religious beliefs, whether corporations are people, etc are all divisive topics that don't need to be debated here. Adding comments that insinuate you disagree with the creator's opinion is effectively trying to silence opinions that disagree with yours. If you don't want a debate, don't post a comment on a puzzle you don't enjoy.
I really hope you don't leave us, Kim. Sometimes some of the wonderful creators leave for awhile and then return. In the meantime, I go back in the files and find "new to me" puzzles by them to solve. I wouldn't worry about those creators that immediately rate their puzzles a 5...if that makes them feel validated, let it. What I have noticed is the people who really count make a comment here and there on a puzzle...and that counts for more than a rating. I, for one, will miss you if you go...I'm sure others share this opinion.#30: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Oct 9, 2018
Tom and Teresa are still here. Teresa seems to log in on the weekends and get caught up. But I'm fairly sure that Sensei is here every day.#31: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Oct 9, 2018
My inspiration ebbs and flows but I'll spark on another series and make a bunch of puzzles. Lately, I've been resolving my own recovered puzzles. What fun!
As for Jan, he left us with an amazing gift. Valerie continues to support his legacy. I remember reading in a forum somewhere that Jan believed in freedom of speech and was reticent to stomp on user's speech.
I am of the opinion that I may dislike some of the things said here but I will defend the right of the user to say it.
Nothing can be said that will not offend someone, somewhere.#32: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 9, 2018
The best advice I can offer is to not expect this site to be a meeting of next-door-neighbors where you do not want to bring up politics or religion to keep the relationship running smoothly (if very shallowly).
This is more of a cocktail party where you will meet people who you don't know who might have opinions very different than yours. The titles of the puzzles are like little overheard snippets of a party conversation. If you don't like what you heard, why would you join in on that conversation?
There are two valid reasons: to refute the idea, or to learn about that viewpoint. Telling them to be quiet or leave the party is not a valid reason to join the conversation.
For a nice surprise, see my puzzle 31663#33: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 10, 2018
I really like your analogy, Joe. You said it so much better than I did...and are diplomatic to boot. I'm going to try to take a page from your book in the future.#34: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Oct 10, 2018
I have no problem with a warning in the title, so folks will know if the content it political or sexual or violent, or what-have-you. In this case, the title made it pretty evident that this puzzle has a political slant.#35: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 10, 2018
I, too, like Joe's cocktail party analogy. :)
Brian's comment was by far the best. Like so many of his puzzles, it was short, clear, concise and to the point. And he said the magic word: Jan, who would have supported free speech. Whether or not he liked political discussions I, of course have no idea, but I believe he would have allowed them.#36: Peter Badore (pbadore) on Oct 10, 2018
Please stop whining about someone's contributions to this site. There is no escape from politics and the issues. Chances are you probably ignore the news as a whole. I have had to deal with both sides of the spectrum, and I've noticed that no one makes complaints when the puzzles lean on the right or when they take on a religious view. I have no problem with that, whether I agree with them or not. This puzzle may not be the wittiest - and certainly is one of the laziest made - but I've seen worse and understand this person's frustration over what's happened. Let it go.#37: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Oct 10, 2018
Hey no need to insult my wit and industry! For all you know, I spent hours trying and discarding designs before settling on the 10x10!#38: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 10, 2018
Graciously said,'s Belly? Hope everything's great since she had her medical collar removed.#39: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Oct 11, 2018
thanks for asking, JoDeen. Yes, Belly is healthy, for which I am very grateful. I just sang in the Mile-Long Opera on the High Line, with her slung in a pouch from my shoulder. A magical, only in New York experience. The theme was "a biography of 7 o'clock."#40: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 11, 2018 sang in a NY street production of this? How fun! I've been a lifelong lover of theatre and a community theatre actress, director and costumer. My major in college was theatre (also have teaching credentials for K-12) I'd love to hear how this type production is staged from an actual participant.#41: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Oct 11, 2018
The logistics were awesome--assembling community teams in all five boroughs to help in recruiting, coordinating, teaching, placing, outfitting, equipping, illuminating 1000 performers, I'm sure long thought went into ticketing, security, communications, safety, press, access, cleanup. You can see a robot video of almost the whole Opera. The robot camera rolled through at a steady pace. But audience members could stop and look at or listen to individuals at will. It sounds as though you would have loved this production. Something similar happened outdoors at Lincoln Center two years ago, by the same composer David Lang. I didn't see that one, but I think High Line had an advantage in being linear. My group was near the front, so as the last audience member came along, I joined them in walking through and saw the whole Opera. Otherwise, I would have known just my 26 second piece in it. All the other performers just went home I think.#42: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 11, 2018
What made it doable is that we all spoke or sang on our own, at our own tempo. we each learned our part and performed it to the hilt. There was no choral rehearsal--we got together before the show only to learn where everyone would be placed. New Yorkers are hams!
Wow. Just..WOW...and how you were able to end it for yourself was pure serendipity! I can't quite visualize the complete spectrum without watching some video, so I'll do that as soon as I can. Auditions were held for this? I have so many questions about the logistics, I'll have to do some research. Congratulations on being a part of this amazing presentation!#43: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Oct 11, 2018
No auditions. Splendid voices throughout. I'm not even in a chorus, I just heard about the Mile-Long Opera when I went to a friend's chorus concert.#44: Jill Tallmer (yidl) on Oct 11, 2018
Some of the singers definitely were professionals--including the two nearest me. Sections of the Opera were sung in Chinese and Spanish, and I think I heard Japanese in there too.#45: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 11, 2018
Want to produce something like this where you live? Where is that? I'll come be in it! thanks, Jill...while I would welcome getting to meet you, I can't even imagine the work that would have to go into a production like that! In my youth, I'd have done it in a heartbeat, but now the very thought makes me tired lol. One of my best friends back home is a professional opera singer.#46: Peter Badore (pbadore) on Oct 11, 2018
Uh, Jill, my comment wasn't aimed at you. I was defending you, in fact (nice joke, BTW). I was referring to the others complaining on this page.#47: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Oct 11, 2018
Peter, I absolutely appreciate the let's all get along part...then your second to last line was full of judgment about the puzzle I made, One of the laziest...not the wittiest...but you've seen worse? That part doesn't feel good. Such a little thing, a puzzle, but every one means something to the maker.#48: Peter Badore (pbadore) on Oct 12, 2018
I'm sure you've made plenty of fine puzzles, although I admit I don't get into the habit of rating everybody. In fact, I don't recall if I ever did any of your other ones, but that's neither here nor there. I understand the sentiment behind what you did, but I only criticized it as a puzzle. I'm more focused on the hypocrisy that implies you had no right to do what you did. This has turned into something petty and I won't bother with it any longer.#49: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Oct 13, 2018
Well, at any rate, it has all turned out for the better. It seems we've all come to the conclusion, one way or another, that on this site, puzzle makers will not be censored for political content.#50: Al LaPointe (kancamagus) on Jul 10, 2023
Late to the party, but I feel compelled to add my 2 cents. Censorship is not desirable. Self-restraint is.
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