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#1: Jennifer McMahon (kalamalama) on May 12, 2018
I didn't know that. My favorite is mint chip.#2: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on May 12, 2018
I like the way they updated their logo. :)#3: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 12, 2018
I always liked Mississippi Mud, as a kid. Haven't been in a while.
Pralines and cream, also.#4: Susan Nagy (susannagy54) on May 12, 2018
Coffee Ice Cream for me. Do they still have the birthday club? On your birthday, you got a free cone. Of course my dad would take all three of us kids so they would give one cone and sell two.#5: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on May 13, 2018
Butterscotch ripple for me. I didn't know about the hidden 31. Thanks for the info#6: John Haemmelmann (madddog413) on May 13, 2018
Brings back memories. I used to own a store. 31 days in a month, a flavor for every day. I had room for 44 flavors in my store. Daiquiri Ice is my favorite.#7: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on May 13, 2018
We have an expert in our midst's. John, did corporate insist on the flavors? Or were you able to have some autonomy? What were the best and worst sellers? Did you ever have a flavor that you thought was going to be a big seller, but no one wanted?#8: Koreen (mom24plus) on May 13, 2018
my favorite was a scoop of the black licorice on top of a scoop of the bubblegum.#9: Koreen (mom24plus) on May 13, 2018
but in a pinch, the pralines & cream and/or the peppermint (w/candy) worked too!
we have one 3 miles north of us and one two miles south of us...straight shot either way, up or down the highway!#10: John Haemmelmann (madddog413) on May 15, 2018
We had a list of standard flavors and a list of optional. Pralines and Cream is by far the best seller. The worst stayed around so long you had to throw them away. I don't remember any names (that was 8 years ago). Pumpkin Pie one year came with pie crust chunks in it, I thought it was good but we could not get rid of a single tub.#11: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on May 15, 2018
When I was a kid, my favorites were mint chocolate chip and rainbow sherbet but not at the same time.
Pumpkin pie...gross!
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