Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Comments on Puzzle #30985: The funny one
By Cupcakey (Cupcakey)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line & color logic only  

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#1: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Mar 23, 2018


Cute little guy. Never heard of the game, before.
#2: Dik Hz (dikhz) on Mar 23, 2018
Good first puzzle! I hope you make many more.
#3: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Mar 23, 2018
Oh, dear. I hate when this happens.

Not an exact copy, but close. Plus it warns that it may be copyrighted.
#4: Cupcakey (Cupcakey) on Mar 24, 2018
Hi everyone, thank you so much for your kind words :)
Should I be worried about the copyright? I was thinking of doing some more from the same game :/
#5: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Mar 24, 2018
After you click on Create Puzzles, this is the first sentence that appears: Please do not enter any puzzles taken from any copyrighted source, such as books, magazines, or other web sites. Enter only your own original designs.

Good advice.

Strictly speaking, posting copyrighted images without the owner's permission is illegal. If you use other people's images as an inspiration always acknowledge your source.
#6: Cupcakey (Cupcakey) on Mar 26, 2018
Hi Norma Dee,

I'll try to be more careful for my next puzzle then. Since I changed some pixels, I hope there won't be any trouble.

Just to be sure, since I'm very much into 8-bit games and was hoping to make some puzzles like that: is it okay to for instance do an own design starring a recognizable 8-bit Mario or Sonic or is that also considered copyrighted?
#7: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Mar 26, 2018
The creator of this site encouraged using pictures on the internet as a reference to help shape their puzzles but didn't want people to make exact copies. Perhaps you are not aware that every puzzle on this site is copyrighted. That happens as soon as you publish a puzzle.

About a year ago we had a user that posted quite a few puzzles that were exact copies of other peoples work which she tried to pass off as her own creations. Honesty is the best policy. If you are strongly influenced by someone else's creation, be sure and acknowledge where you got it. I am not an expert on copyright laws by any means, but perhaps you could do a little research yourself.

Oh, as for Mario puzzles? There have probably been hundreds of them on this site already. With over 20,000 puzzles on this site it is hard to come up with ideas that are new and original. But often a different slant on an idea can be just as much fun to solve. And that's the whole idea. To have puzzles that are fun to solve and also make pleasing pictures. So keep creating and have fun.
#8: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Mar 28, 2018
The prohibition was in taking puzzles and passing them off as your own. There have been hundreds of video-game sprites made into puzzles here. (It seems that Mario sprites are almost impossible to avoid for more than a month at a time.) Taking a picture and making a puzzle out of it is fine (at least in my opinion -- and as long as the puzzle works, I hasten to add...)

The copyright notification in Google is just them covering their behinds after a suit by Getty Images. They also removed their "View Image" button at the same time. [ https://www.engadget.com/2018/02/16/google-removes-view-image-from-search/ ]

The copyright on the image is undeniable, but unless you try to use the puzzle in a profit-making venture, there is no loss to the owner of the copyright and it is extremely unlikely they will come after you.

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