peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solutions: multiple solvability: some guessing
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#1: Mat (keiimaster) on Jan 26, 2018
Tough solve but, enjoyable.#2: Janez (Janez) on Jan 27, 2018
Luckly there are only two solutions.#3: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Feb 4, 2018
Found to require some guessing by infrapinklizzard.#4: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Feb 4, 2018
Yes, a pure 50% chance as there is no picture to give you a hint.#5: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Aug 18, 2018
It's nice as a logic exercise, but it *is* possible to make a picture out of one of these...
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