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quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Belita (belita) on Dec 27, 2017
You're such a nice guy, you picked them up and gave them back - but with a warning!#2: Koreen (mom24plus) on Dec 27, 2017
I've done both with my four some point you decide that they're either big enough to deal with the consequences or small enough it doesn't matter...and then you go back again because you love 'em, and well, you like the kit or whatever, lol.#3: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Dec 27, 2017
Next time this happens, stretch some nylon pantyhose over the vacuum hose, so that the little beads (or earring, or whatever small thing was dropped) don't get sucked into the vacuum cleaner.#4: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Dec 27, 2017
i've done both :)#5: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Dec 27, 2017
and i bet you did also :)
I'm with Belita. You would pick them up the first time, but after that she must play with them in a designated area only, picking them up when done. Otherwise......#6: besmirched tea (Besmirched Tea) on Dec 27, 2017 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#7: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 27, 2017
Thx for your answers everyone. I have done both actually,and I also did warn Destyny about the consequences of leaving them around. However her sisters have gotten them,so it isn't always Destyny's fault. Depending on how I feel at the time,I may deduce that there are so many of these beads that I don't think she'll miss the odd one that I suck up with the vac. Nice guy or not,I'm old Belita and I'm afraid that if I get on my hands and knees to pick up a few useless plastic beads I may not be getting back up again. :)#8: Gary Webster (glwebste) on Dec 28, 2017
You're a dad. You picked them up. By the way, the more times you get on your knees and have to get up, the better you get at it. Practice, you know. Carpet on the floor, or pads on the knees, these are good.#9: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 3, 2018
I know this 'cause I'm an old guy who picks up after his four-legged kids (rescue dogs). Keep pickin' them up!
I would have thought you'd say to Destyny, "Honey, you've got 5 minutes to pick up all those beads, or they are gonna get sucked up into the vacuum cleaner." Then set the timer. That way you save the beads AND your back. And she learns time management, responsibility, and fine motor control all at once. :-)#10: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jan 5, 2018
If she's not around to do that, then I'm with you. Stupid plastic beads aren't worth the pain.
excellent idea!#11: Jennifer McMahon (kalamalama) on Jan 25, 2018
Maybe Destyny can learn how to use the vacuum cleaner and be responsible for a specific area where the bead work is done. With arthritis, you need to be careful about getting on your knees. You could make it worse. Check it out with your rheumatologist. Mine is just now creeping into my knees. I have trouble getting up from a fall or whatever.#12: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Feb 6, 2021
When that happened with my daughters, I called them to pick them up and gave them a 15 minute time limit. Then I vacuumed. If they wanted more beads after that they had to buy them with their allowances. While it didn't totally eliminate the problem, it decreased by a lot.
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