peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solutions: multiple solvability: much guessing
Puzzle Description Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers
#1: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Dec 22, 2017
Pro: it's a cool pattern, that was simple to guess#2: (SebTvHd) on Dec 25, 2017
Con: There are thousands (if not millions) of possible solutions
i made it to have a lot of solutions.#3: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Jan 6, 2018
Found to require lots of guessing by infrapinklizzard.#4: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Jan 6, 2018
You can place 5 of the green pixels.
If you then guess that the green makes a grid (which it doesn't have to), and then further guess that the black in those rows fill in those grids (which it doesn't have to)...
Then you end up with 25 squares of 3x3. If you now even further guess that the 1s are evenly distributed (which they don't have to be) then in each square there are 6 possible combinations, or 6^25 = 28,430,288,030,000,000,000 solutions within those constraints.
There are many more than that in reality.
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