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Comments on Puzzle #30515: What a croc!
By Brian Bellis (mootpoint)

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#1: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Nov 20, 2017

I did Trish's "What a croc!" puzzle and expected a shoe so I made one.
#2: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Nov 20, 2017
I've never tried a pair...or even just one, like yours!
#3: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 20, 2017
Liked your puzzle. Don't like the shoes.
#4: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Nov 20, 2017
Haha! This makes me laugh. I love your take on the title. That said, these are right up there with Uggs for me. They are a crime to fashion, and don't look good with anything. The saving grace, however, is that crocs are designed with the specific purpose of being a comfortable gardening shoe. Who cares what it looks like if it's gonna get covered in dirt, right? But Uggs should have never come into existence. There are plenty of comfortable, warm, and good looking winter shoes to choose from. :P
#5: Lisa D (dvorli) on Nov 20, 2017
#6: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Nov 20, 2017
Are Uggs last name Lee?
#7: robert svanberg (tango) on Nov 21, 2017
Interesting how crocs and Uggs have both morphed from their original purpose into a general purpose shoe. Crocs were developed as a boating shoe (and they are great in lots of wet applications, kayaking, wading ...) and uggs started here in Australia as a surfer boot to be used in winter. The UGG trademark is American but can't be registered here because the term "ugg boot" has been in general use for almost 50 years.
One thing for sure is that, while they may be great in a utilitarian way, as fashion items they both fail miserably.
#8: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Nov 21, 2017
Lol Brian. (#6) Thanks for the background info, tango. I had heard that crocs were designed for gardening, but never verified. So they are a boating shoe, huh? And I never knew that uggs had a utilitarian purpose at all. I just thought they were someone's bad fashion idea and a bunch of people jumped on board. But why are people surfing in the winter? Isn't the water too cold?
#9: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 21, 2017
I always thought uggs were kind of cozy looking and might want a pair to keep my feet warm if I lived where it gets really cold. In Phoenix we might have a couple of days a year where the temp drops in the 30's, but that is only in the middle of the night and I am not in the habit of running around outside in the middle of the night. So uggs might be a bit of overkill.
#10: robert svanberg (tango) on Nov 21, 2017
Thanks Aurelian and Norma. Here in the Southern Ocean the surfers will generally wear a 2mm thick wetsuit in summer and a 5mm wetsuit in winter. I always thought that showed dedication until I saw surfers in BC in midwinter surfing in dry suits. Whichever, they would be ending up with chilly extremities.
#11: Ga Hendrick (GaHendrick) on Nov 21, 2017 [SPOILER]
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#12: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Nov 24, 2017
#13: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Nov 24, 2017 [SPOILER]
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