peek at solution solve puzzle
version: 2 quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Aug 30, 2017
The Love Boat?#2: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Aug 30, 2017
New version published by Flutterby.#3: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Aug 30, 2017
I see you improve on your puzzle-making all the time. Well done! I would like to commend you for something else as well. I had learned the hard way through feedback that purely abstract images and no recognizable "aha!" moment make a puzzle not as rewarding to solve. You have something like that in your background. But if you had posted the anchor alone, it would have been a rather dull picture. Putting the two together with a recognizable image in the foreground and an abstract visually interesting something in the background make a VERY fun puzzle.#4: Tim Scanlan (Tim Scanlan) on Aug 30, 2017
If I may offer one piece of critique, though. I have also noticed that in most of your puzzles you use every available color. I recommend toning it down sometimes. I like it for this one, But if you should make your foreground object really interesting, balance it with a more subtle background. Also keep in mind that a pattern itself, even in one solid color can be amazing if done right. I can offer the example of the background of one of my own puzzles and a really beautiful detailed black and white one by cricketswool. Her puzzle is #29951 called "Hail to the king". It is maintaining a five star rating for quality and yet it only uses black and white. My opinion is that the image is stunning. Also, not as impressive, but as a good example of a background, you can check out my puzzle #29975 called "Norma's challenge: Proverbial Query". I used a mix of white and blue in the background to give the illusion of a cloudy sky behind the foreground birds that are otherwise plain (and unsolvable).
Keep improving. I can't wait to see what you come out with next!
Is that a stained glass window? Maybe it's part of a memorial chapel? Other than that, I've got no idea.#5: Teresa K (fasstar) on Aug 30, 2017
Is that a rhetorical question, Emma? I don't recognize it if is is a logo or something.#6: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Aug 30, 2017
If it is an original design, I really like it, colors and all. This is the perfect size for a multiple color puzzle. I also enjoyed the aha! moment. :-)
Quite fun to solve. Very nice use of color.
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