peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solutions: multiple solvability: some guessing
Puzzle Description Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers
#1: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Aug 20, 2017 [HINT]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view hints#2: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Aug 20, 2017
Ssss, please consider my advice as well intentioned critique for improvement. This puzzle has a pattern that, once guessed, is predictable. Although it is not a symmetrical image, it takes on the same flavor of one, in that if a solver does not assume a piece of information that is not given in the original clues, the puzzle cannot be solved with logic. This guessing, when it is necessary at the start of the solving process is frustrating. Once the code is cracked, however, the solve becomes a matter of repeated routine. Your idea is cute, and I do like it, but I feel the picture needs more to it to be a more interesting solve. It, for example, would be a wonderful background to a picture that has just too much white space around the main focus of the puzzle. Say you wanted to make a puzzle of a snake, let's say. This snake doesn't need a lot of filled in color unless it's coiled. It's a long string of filled in pixels. But what do you do with all that tedious white space? This pattern that you made for us would solve that problem and also no longer need guessing because of the snake. Also, remember, never stop improving. The thrill of doing something better than we did last time fuels the drive to keep going. I look forward to seeing more from you.#3: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Aug 24, 2017
Found to require some guessing by gator.
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