peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
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#1: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jul 22, 2017
Whew! What a project this turned out to be. Hopefully this is the end of it. At least the rest of got to enjoy the fun puzzles about it.#2: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jul 22, 2017
The title sounds like what happens when two people fall in love. And I believe that Love (but not necessarily coupling) is always a good solution.#3: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Jul 22, 2017
Thanks, Aldege, for entertaining us with these delightful puzzles. The blots made them so fun to solve.
Thx Norma and Teresa. I'm glad you didn't take offense to my title. You know me. I'm always trying to have a little fun. It's been my pleasure to make these puzzles for you to enjoy. I know this is normal stuff that happens all the time,but somehow no job ends up being easy for me. And believe it or not I'm mechanically inclined. I think I probably use blots more than anyone lately. These puzzles were simply too easy without blots. Happy puzzling girls. :)#4: Alison P Deem (Indigo1) on Jul 23, 2017
Problem solved! We all knew you would fix it - never a doubt!#5: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jul 23, 2017
No offense necessary. Anyone who knows plumbing or electrical connectors knows that things have a "male" and a "female" end. My husband works with computers, and has to deal with things like "female-to-female adaptors". It's easier than having to label everything "tab A" and "slot B". :)#6: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Jul 23, 2017
Thx for the vote of confidence Alison. Another example is my riding mower. It's been down for 2 seasons now. Last year when it broke down I ordered a new belt for it. By the time the belt came to me by mail the cutting season was almost done. I put the new belt on only to have it come off again after cutting a bit. I adjusted the tension pulley as tight as it would go and the belt kept coming off. I discovered that the belt pulley and arm were bent and not aligning properly. The mower did not get fixed. This season I put the lawnmower on it's side and dismantled the pulley and arm. Not an easy task. I had to remove 2 tension springs with vice grips(not the proper tool). I straightened the pulley and arm and started to reassemble. It turns out springs are harder to put on with vice grips then taking off. I don't own a spring hook. Meantime my grass is now wheat and is chocking my push mower. A nice friend came over with her John Deere and cut it for me. Then the well problem arose and now my mower remains on it's side waiting for my attention. I should of made a series of puzzles about this :)#7: Koreen (mom24plus) on Jul 25, 2017
Thx for understanding Kristen. :)
Oh the joys of owning your own home...#8: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Jul 25, 2017
Yes Koreen. It makes you wonder sometimes if it's worth the aggravation. I think it is. :)#9: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Jul 27, 2017
Great series of misadventures Aldege!#10: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Jul 27, 2017
Thx Susan. :)#11: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Sep 11, 2017
:D ha ha#12: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Sep 11, 2017
So, did you get your cabana built, Aldege?
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