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Comments on Puzzle #29944: Aldège's puzzle challenge.
By Aldege Cholette (Aldege)

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#1: Susan Eberhardt (susaneber) on Jun 25, 2017

Great experience, Aldege. Did your children see it?
We've had a population explosion of deer in our area and we're not too happy with the loss of our tulips, etc., and the need for a new, higher, fence for the vegetable garden. The woodchucks and rabbits are also more numerous. At the same time, we've seen some coyotes and heard about bear nearby. All this in a suburb of New York City.
Fun puzzle. I'll try to think of a subject for your challenge, but can't beat seeing a fawn being born.
#2: Susan Eberhardt (susaneber) on Jun 25, 2017
Great experience, Aldege. Did your children see it?
We've had a population explosion of deer in our area and we're not too happy with the loss of our tulips, etc., and the need for a new, higher, fence for the vegetable garden. The woodchucks and rabbits are also more numerous. At the same time, we've seen some coyotes and heard about bear nearby. All this in a suburb of New York City.
Fun puzzle. I'll try to think of a subject for your challenge, but can't beat seeing a fawn being born.
#3: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Jun 25, 2017
Thx Susan. It truly was a great experience and yes two of my girls saw it also. As soon as the mother delivered she cleaned the fawn. Then the fawn stood up and started walking right away. That's so cool that you have that much wildlife in a suburb of NYC. :)
#4: Kathy Cain (kathycain) on Jun 25, 2017
Cool indeed!
#5: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Jun 25, 2017
Thx Kathy. :)
#6: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jun 26, 2017
Oh I love this puzzle, Aldege! Fun to solve and fun to ready the story behind the picture. Really cool!

Challenge accepted. I'm having a hard time coming up with an idea. But I'll think of something soon. :-)
#7: Jota (jota) on Jun 26, 2017
#8: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Jun 26, 2017
Thx Teresa and Jota. I hope you do Teresa and I hope others can come up with some challenges too. It helps when you can't come up with ideas yet others can. Before your challenge I made just one puzzle in June. That's not like me. I can remember when I use to make 6,7 or even 8 puzzles a day. :)
#9: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Jun 30, 2017
We remember those times as well Aldege and we miss them. Great job on this puzzle and the challenge idea
#10: Aldege Cholette (Aldege) on Jul 1, 2017
Thx Susan. If you have any ideas about a challenge you would like to see. Let us know. I'll gladly issue the challenge to my fellow creators. :)
#11: Vaggelis Kamaris (evag7651) on Jul 18, 2017
simply terrific. No guessing.
#12: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Aug 15, 2017
Neat story. Hard to see.
#13: Gator (gator) on Sep 23, 2017
Amazing to solve. Wonderful puzzle.

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