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Comments on Puzzle #2953: I got one!
By Adam Nielson (monkeyboy)

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#1: Minnie Fuerstnau (m.fuerstnau) on Jun 17, 2008

Funny idea, and quite right for the season! Thank you for the fun.
#2: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 17, 2008
Thanks, and you're welcome.
#3: Jane Doe (telly) on Jun 17, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#4: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 17, 2008
interesting idea, don't think I've come across one of these before
#5: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Jun 18, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#6: Jennifer Jones (geekess) on Jun 18, 2008
Was actually using a fly swatter yesterday, heading into the heat here in the U.S. in Tennessee. Don't know what's worse, flies or ants...and they both love this time of year.
#7: Twillis (twillis) on Jun 18, 2008
Weirdly, the flies haven't gotten too bad around here yet. Only a matter of time, I am sure. The big one torment my horses something terrible.

#8: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 18, 2008
We have a bad problem with flies lately (the big ones) but thats because we have a neighbor with a large dog & they don't clean up after it..yuk!
#9: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Jun 19, 2008
EEEEEwwww...honestly, Adam! Just eeeeWWWWWW!

#10: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jun 19, 2008
LOL. C'mon, it's funny! :-)
#11: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 19, 2008

I just love all the funny comments people make on puzzles :)
#12: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 20, 2008
Me too. That's why I often check back to see the "new gossip," or whatever is on there. :-)
#13: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 20, 2008
Adam...where do you hail from? Tell us a bit about yourself.
#14: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 20, 2008
Who me? I am a nobody. I just do puzzles and save lives.
#15: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jun 20, 2008
Are you a firefighter? (or far-fighter?) Or doctor? Or maybe a superhero! A puzzle solving superhero! Awesome!

I have another question for you... do you a have split personality? or two accounts? Just curious... and a little confused! ;)
#16: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 20, 2008
LOL...on the split personality,
He must be a superhero....
by day he's just plain "monkey" but by night he's "MONKEYBOY" superhero! Saving the world by ridding it of disease!
#17: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 20, 2008
I have never had anyone guess my identity (or identities) so fast as you did, Nancy. You must be a genius!

Arduinna, I must say I love that name first of all. And don't be confused. There is nothing to be confused about. By the way, that reminds me of a joke/poem...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm schizophrenic
and so am I

#18: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 20, 2008
And yes, I do have 2 ID's (one I create with and one I solve with). Don't ask me why, though. And I work a Physician Assistant or P.A. for short (which is very similar to a doctor, for anyone who doesn't know).
#19: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 20, 2008
I knew it!! A superhero in our mists!!

so tell me why monkey??
#20: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 20, 2008



No reason. I guess maybe I like them. Maybe I am one. Maybe I evolved from one. Maybe I act like one. Maybe all of the above?
#21: Deana L (ffswife) on Jun 20, 2008
Lol... I think I like him!

But then my husband is a firefighter and my best friend is a cop. I'm used to crazy men. :D
#22: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 20, 2008
Awww, how sweet Deanna! I guess I will admit it... I am crazy!
#23: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 20, 2008
Just like the rest of us :)
#24: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 20, 2008
Well, at least I will fit in then! It's been nice getting to know all the "regulars" on here the last few months. There are a handful of us, aren't there?
#25: Kuuipo (monkeylover) on Jun 20, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#26: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jun 21, 2008
Ok lets resume the situation here we got a nice little puzzle about fly and flywatter and it and up having more than 25 comment on it

I think its time we all get a life here 'cause I'm starting to be afraid of what we gonna talk about next.

maybe the name they give to paint colour you know thing like Winter Breeze or July Sky
#27: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 21, 2008
Sylvain, you are welcome to talk, but if we enjoy our comments and talking about whatever, then just let us be. Besides, I didn't understand what you wrote anyway in your 3rd paragraph.
#28: Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) on Jun 21, 2008
I'm not trying to interupt that magnificient conversation I was just fining it funny as for the last line I was sujecting a new subject and that was the crazy name they give to colourlike for exemple : Winter breeze for a grey or July sky for a light blue

It was just me trying to be crazy and funny sdince I don't have anything else to do

#29: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 21, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#30: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 22, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#31: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 22, 2008
Wait! No more Doc? Now I'm confuzzled.
Do I call you Doc or Captain Monkey?
I'm open to either.
Or both considering your multiple personalities (comment #17).;-)
#32: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 22, 2008
Maybe you could call me Monkey Doc (although that might imply that I am a vet, which I definitely am NOT). How about captain doc? Or Monktain Capey, or even Capkey Montain? Any suggestions?
#33: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 22, 2008
How about Kappa Maki? Maki Doc?

Captain Doc has a certain ring but could be easily confused with an exclamation (Captain, dock!!). Or even: captain of the dock.

I like Capey Doc.

Capkey Montain, I think, would also be easily confused for Capkey MoUntain or CAPKEY Montain.

How about replacing the "m" in monkey with the "b" in boy for Bonkey. Add the doc at the end for Bonkey Doc?

What do you think? :-D
#34: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 22, 2008
#35: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 22, 2008
OK Adam in reference puzzle #2972 comment #6:
I am kinda scared... even though I am a "superhero," I am awfully shy. I might send it to you, but I want you to make it like 70x70 or bigger. Deal? J/K. How small can you make it? It might be weird to solve "myself."

The size all depends on the picture detail..if you do send one please make it a larger picture (around 300x300 pixels) the smaller ones get blurry when I try to enlarge them to get details... :)
send it to < naneki757@hotmail.com >
I'll be waiting

& that goes for anyone else interested in having a puzzle done for them :)
#36: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 22, 2008
Nancy, I was kidding. I am embarrassed to have you do a pic of me on here. Maybe you could make me out to be a HUGE HOTTIE! I will think about it.

Gypso, Bonkey Doc is cool! How about Super Bonkey Doc?
#37: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 22, 2008
Oh come on ...share yourself with all of us here
#38: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 22, 2008
Well, there is plenty of me to go around :)
I would rather come "on" than come "one," though, Nancy. LOL

#39: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 22, 2008
#40: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 22, 2008
It's ok. Typo's happen. So, Nancy, is your own picture on here? I haven't done all the puzzles yet. Each day when I get on, I do all the newest ones first, and then with any leftover time, I go back and do the older ones, both starting from 1 and moving forward, and from current backwards. I am at about # 380 going forward and # 2310 going backward.
#41: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 22, 2008
Nancy, you just edited your comment (#37) by changing "one" to "on." Now my comment # 38 doesn't make sense to anyone who reads this after now.
#42: Jane Doe (telly) on Jun 22, 2008
Wow. I've missed a lot! This is crazy.
"Super Bonkey Doc"? ...or we could change it to donkey boc but then it gets away from the monkey all together. lol
Funny comments all.
I've enjoyed reading them.
#43: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 22, 2008
I REALLY like Super Bonkey Doc!
Nice choice. :-)

#44: m2 (mercymercy) on Jun 23, 2008
How about Doctor Banana the super monkey superhero - saving lives by day and solving mysterious puzzles by night.
#45: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 23, 2008
Yes...I like Mercy's name the best (we need to leave the monkey in the mix)

Adam..it's good to confuse everyone every once in a while :)
& yes I have 2 puzzles of myself on this site..
#46: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 23, 2008
Would you care to elaborate as to which 2 puzzles those might be, Nancy?

Ok, Doctor Banana wins.
#47: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 23, 2008
I won't say that it's obvious which ones are of me, but... :)

#1616: my "80's Look"
#1664: naneki

Have you checked out all the other puzzlers I've done on this site?

BTW do you have a Myspace or Facebook?
#48: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 23, 2008
Nancy, I haven't done all of your others yet... (refer to comment #40) so I haven't gotten to the 1600's yet, but now that you have told me which ones are of you, I might go and peek. :-) And by the way, reread 2972 #3 to answer your first question that you asked in #47 here. And unfortunately I don't have any of those things you asked for in your last question above.
#49: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 23, 2008
I'm sorry, I thought you knew how to find puzzles by certain Authors...(I thought maybe you could take a peek at some of them, the puzzle title is usually their log-in name)
it's too bad you done have a myspace..you could get to know a lot of people on this site there. :)
#50: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 23, 2008
I do know how to find puzzles by author, but I just haven't done it. And I am getting to know more people through this site, so I think it's fine so far. :-)
#51: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 23, 2008
ah, my bad
#52: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 23, 2008
LOL, you are funny!
#53: Jen (lightvader) on Jun 23, 2008
Boy I missed a lot too.
#54: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 23, 2008
better to come in at the end then not at all :)
Jen..I miss your chats
#55: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 23, 2008
Hey, Doctor Banana! Are we sticking with this name?

As to your likeness being immortalized in puzzle form by the ever talented Naneki, it would be delightful to "see" you. :-)
#56: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 23, 2008
well thank you gypso :) you are too sweet for words

Doc Banana..we welcome you into our family no matter what. I can even let you preview the puzzle before I post it (in case you don't like it)
#57: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 23, 2008
Thanks for the offer. Of course, I will most likely end up doing that. Thanks Gypso for wanting to "see" me. Hey Nancy (and anyone else who wants to answer)...

You have mentioned before using the checker feature (or something like that). How do you do that?

Just call me Doc B (or even Doc Boy) for short (Jon's brother from Garfield).
#58: Jan Wolter (jan) on Jun 24, 2008
When you are in the puzzle editor, there is a "Check" button that will run an AI program to try to solve the puzzle. It will usually be able to tell if the puzzle has multiple solutions and sometimes be able to tell if it is solvable by logic alone.

If you are solving a puzzle you designed yourself, there will be a "Helper" button that will run a slower and stupider solving program and usually fill in part of the puzzle for you (it does only simple line logic that any human could do too). This can be useful when you have to repeatedly test solve different versions of your puzzle to check them.
#59: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 24, 2008
I have used those features, but I swear I have heard people say something to the effect that they have used that option in solving other people's puzzles. That's why I was confused. Is that possible to do?
#60: Jan Wolter (jan) on Jun 24, 2008
Well, I occasionally use the helper to help solve other people's puzzles, mainly when I'm trying to figure out if they are logically solvable, but I can cheat all sorts of ways around here.

Also, once you have solved someone's puzzle, if you go back to it, you will have a helper button.
#61: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 24, 2008
Ahhh, gotcha. I haven't ever gone back and resolved any puzzles yet, since I have only solved almost 1000 of them. If I ever finish and catch up, then I might go back. No wonder I haven't seen any helper button. :-)

Thanks for the help.
#62: Jen (LightVader) on Jun 28, 2008
Wow. I join the real world and get a professional job and I miss all the fun. :(
#63: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 28, 2008
Jen you will get a balance going soon & be back with us full force :)
#64: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 28, 2008
LV! Real world? Professional job? Congratulations!!
What are you doing now? How exciting! :-)
#65: Jen (LightVader) on Jun 28, 2008
I am working in the Information Resources department of a large company near here. I hope to get my balance back soon but right now I'm adjusting to getting up at 4:45.
#66: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 28, 2008
do you enjoy your job? what is it that you are doing?
#67: Jen (LightVader) on Jun 28, 2008
The company is switching from using the Project Management Checklist procedure for creating and updating applications to using the Software Development Life Cycle. For the next 6 months I will be working on creating a Quality Assurance procedure to go with it.

In layman's terms: I get to tell the programmers what papers they have to write and approvals they have to get in order to move ahead with a project.

Because I'm a computer science major and programmer at heart, this is the perfect start for me. Come January though, I get shifted to a new assignment because of the program I'm in within the company. Considering how many people just graduated college and are looking for work, I feel very blessed to have gotten this position. There are only just over 60 people in this program and at most 5 are computer people. Some are business but the majority are engineers.

As far as enjoying it goes, once I get started I think I'm going to love it, but right now I have a bunch of training and other preliminary stuff to do, so it's not a whole lot of fun.
#68: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 28, 2008
Wow..Jen how awesome...I'm so proud of you :)
#69: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 28, 2008
Ahhh, so you are a smartie pants. :-)
#70: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 28, 2008
Score LV!!! Great job and good on you!
So sorry about 4:45 though. Look at it this way, you made it through the last semester at school, you'll grit your way through this start up. I'm proud of you too! :-D
#71: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 29, 2008
Early mornings make you stronger, right?
#72: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 29, 2008
If you don't die... Oops, sorry Jen.
#73: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 29, 2008
LMAO. Haha. That was funny.
#74: Jen (LightVader) on Jun 29, 2008
It may just kill me, though.

I'm not a morning person. I'm not really a night person... I'm a late afternoon type of person.
#75: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 29, 2008
LOL. Sounds like me as well.
#76: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 29, 2008
Like a cat!
#77: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jun 29, 2008
LOL. Sounds like me as well.
#78: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 29, 2008
Jen.."YOU CAN DO IT!!"
I'm an early bird, but in the late afternoon I think my brain turns to mush
#79: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 29, 2008
Commit to napping Jen. ^.^
#80: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jun 30, 2008
Congrats, Jen! Good luck!
#81: Jen (LightVader) on Jun 30, 2008
I can't nap on the job. They don't like that there. I get up at 4:45 and by the time I get home it's nearly 7. There's no time in there to fit a nap.

I just have to make it through the next 18 months and then hope for a position in the company that's closer top where I live.
#82: Jan Wolter (jan) on Jul 1, 2008
Valerie and I used to do most of our work in the evenings, but then we got kids. After a day of child care, we were usually too burnt out to do anything, so we had to rearrange out lives to do work in the mornings instead.
#83: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jul 1, 2008
Jen, maybe you can get a built-in napping desk like George had on that episode of Seinfeld?
#84: Jen (LightVader) on Jul 1, 2008
I have other stuff in the evenings, like my martial arts class. Besides I had my fill of getting home late in college (stupid classes went til 10 or 11 at night).

Never watched Seinfeld, so I don't know that desk Arduinna. At the moment though I don't have any desk. I just keep borrowing desks from people who are out. I should have a desk by the end of next week though.

I think I'd just settle for a shorter commute. It took me 2 hours to get home tonight.
#85: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jul 1, 2008
our poor little Jen :(
I feel for you
#86: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jul 1, 2008
I have a 45 min drive to class-- not nearly as long, I know, but still all I can think about the whole time is all the other things I could be doing.

He had hidden compartments built in under his desk with a pillow and a blanket, and he would say he was going out to run an errand or whatever and then curl up under his desk to take a nap instead. You might look into that once you have a desk!
#87: Gypso (Gypso) on Jul 1, 2008
I've only caught a few Seinfeld episodes Arduinna. The desk idea is too funny! :-)
#88: Jen (LightVader) on Jul 2, 2008
That's a good idea. I should have a desk by the middle of next week, then I can look into that.
#89: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jul 11, 2008
Adam...I checked my e-mail & I think your picture that you sent me got lost..you may need to re send it....

#90: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jul 11, 2008
ROFL. I thought you had a woman's intuition. Can't you just "figure out" what I look like? Try drawing me from your best guess, and then I will send you a pic. How about that? :-)
#91: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jul 12, 2008
That sounds dangerous, monkeyboy! I don't know if I'd leave it up to Naneki!
#92: Jane Doe (telly) on Jul 12, 2008
I agree...because you're not sending a pic she might decide that you look like Quasimodo...unless, that is, you DO look like Quasimodo. lol. ;D
#93: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jul 12, 2008
Well, that's to be decided. I have seen Nancy's work, and she does a fine job. Maybe she is too scared to try it. :-)
#94: Jen (LightVader) on Jul 12, 2008
Those sound like fightin' words to me.
#95: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jul 12, 2008
Oh my..a challenge to look deep into my mind & come up with a visual for the totally obscure monkey-boy ...
but first I have to find my mind :)
#96: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jul 12, 2008
Them was fightin' woids fuh shuah! (you know, the nice kind of fighting) :-)
#97: Jen (LightVader) on Jul 13, 2008
I haven't got your mind here Naneki, sorry. I do have a few of my mom's marbles though.

Do you happen to have my mind over there?
#98: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jul 13, 2008
I think I found mine..but it's missing quite a few marbles..& I took your mind with me to Hawaii & left it there (I thought maybe it needed a break)
#99: Jen (LightVader) on Jul 14, 2008
Oh I'm sure it would thank you very much. Did you remember to bring my manners? I keep them in a different jar then my mind.

Maybe we do have some of your marbles over here. Let me check...
#100: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jul 14, 2008
Nope ... left your manners behind after all it is paradise & didn't want your mind to have to worry about anything :)
#101: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Jul 15, 2008
Wow! 100 comments on a puzz, wonder what the record is? Well it is now officially 101 :)
#102: Arduinna (arduinna) on Jul 15, 2008
You can sort the puzzles on the logged in "home" page by the number of comments, but you can't sort them if you try to look at puzzles you have solved.

Someone should create a new account, then check to make sure!

Or maybe Jan can just tell us.

#103: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jul 15, 2008
Humm..I didn't know that :)
#104: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Jul 15, 2008
Interesting. I am glad we are over 100. So, what new line of comments does anyone want to start talking about?
#105: Kuuipo (monkeylover) on Aug 14, 2008
I got nothing !
#106: Bionerd (nieboo) on Apr 22, 2009
Wow. A time when people were all nice to each other!! I miss those days!

As for the puzzle, awesome idea...although a bit sad.
#107: Henny Phan (M432) on Jul 14, 2021
LOL my favorite puzzle so far! I thought it was going to be the guitar from Cheap Trick...

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