Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Comments on Puzzle #29455: Something from mario kart
By Benjamin (ghost24013)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solutions: multiple    solvability: some guessing?  

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#1: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Feb 18, 2017

How many more copies of mario mushroom do we have to see? This is what? about the 4th in the last couple of weeks. ?
It seems that no one is reading the very first sentence on the create puzzle page. Particularly the last part about entering only your own original designs. :

Please do not enter any puzzles taken from any copyrighted source, such as books, magazines, or other web sites. Enter only your own original designs.
#2: Benjamin (ghost24013) on Feb 19, 2017
norma dee i didnt copy right
#3: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Feb 19, 2017
As soon as you publish a puzzle here it is automatically copyrighted.
#4: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Feb 19, 2017
I didn't mean to sound harsh. It's just with over 20,000 puzzles here (not to mention all the ones that got lost due to a computer glitch) that there are very few subjects that have not had puzzles made of them. Every popular video game, every popular cartoon, etc. have had literally hundreds of puzzles created about them, so it's very difficult to come up with something new a different. Sometimes all it takes is a different and original approach to a subject matter. Go to the Random Puzzle site and solve a lot of different puzzles to get an idea of how different puzzle makers get ideas. If you truly want to make paint by number puzzles, don't give up. Everyone would love to have you here as part of the community. Read Jan's article on how to create puzzles on the Create Puzzles page. He wrote a wonderful article. And be sure and solve your puzzles before you publish them so you don't get the "dreaded question mark" for solvability. You can always go back and tweak your puzzles.

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