peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) on Feb 25, 2017
Who, you ask?#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Feb 25, 2017
The doctor!
This is a very nice Tardis, but so were the other 100 or so. When you realize that there are over 20,000 puzzles on this site, not to mention all the ones we lost due to a computer glitch, you will understand that every popular TV show, cartoon, video game, etc. have all had a multitude of puzzles made about them. It is very difficult to come up with new ideas, but often a different approach makes for a nice puzzle. Don't let this discourage you as you make nice puzzles. Just something to think about. :)#3: Belita (belita) on Feb 25, 2017
Is it Cindy Lou Who? Or maybe the Who? I know! Who's on first.#4: jewel crown (Jewel) on Feb 25, 2017
Nice one.#5: Roisin Clark (RC-bunny) on Feb 26, 2017
Thanks Norma, I should probably take some time to try and look through more of those thousands, I've spent ages solving puzzles on another site but you couldn't make your own puzzles so I've mainly been making on this site.#6: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Feb 26, 2017
You are a very welcome addition to this site and we will all be looking forward to all your creations. You might wish to go to Users then click on Puzzles Solved and you can see who has created what. Solving a few here and there will show you how they have avoided duplicating popular subjects. Not to mention the fun solves. Don't forget to solve a few of Jan Wolter's puzzles, the creator of this site. His puzzles were always special.#7: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Mar 2, 2017
Cool puzzle and catchy title. Could be Clark Kent in here or maybe Get Smart
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