peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Nancy Anthony (nancya) on Feb 8, 2017
Hoop dancer gone wild.#2: Donna McFarland (donna0328) on Feb 9, 2017
Dancer with 3 blue snakes, 2 green snakes, and 1 red snake. Creepy. Fun solve!#3: Teresa K (fasstar) on Feb 9, 2017
[sigh]#4: Leah Drakeford (leah225) on Feb 12, 2017
Charlie, if you are bored, instead of creating an "I'm bored" puzzle, try solving some of the 20,000 puzzles on this site. Go to "Find Puzzles" and click on "Best Puzzles."
Or maybe you can get a different perspective on "I'm bored" puzzles by searching for puzzles that have the word "bored" in the title. ;-)
Great puzzle!
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