peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
Puzzle Description Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers
#1: Donna McFarland (donna0328) on Jan 4, 2017
I did not even try.#2: Susan Nagy (susannagy54) on Jan 4, 2017
It looks like an eye.
I need to buy,
More makeup!?
Yes, it does seem to be an eye,#3: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jan 4, 2017
But only one, by the by --
So, it isn't more make-up I need:
Half as much will suffice, indeed!
It is an eye,I cannot deny#4: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Jan 5, 2017
Who needs two when one will do
For I can see just fine
Only one eye does not make me blind
Eye?#5: Lisa D (dvorli) on Jan 5, 2017
I ...
Ie yi yi
Eye love to see all your comments ha ha :)#6: Belita (belita) on Jan 5, 2017
I almost didn't go here.#7: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jan 5, 2017
The one star made me steer clear.
Though the puzzle was lame,
I fell for the game.
But the comments were so fun to hear!
Sarah did not even try.#8: Donna McFarland (donna0328) on Jan 5, 2017
Still we could not pass it by.
With lyric and rhyme
We have a good time
With this white guy with only one eye.
Sarah by creating a rhyme.#9: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Jan 5, 2017
I started a trend,
That will end in time.
So, for now THE END.
This non-attempt#10: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Aug 3, 2020
Has me farklempt
can't see his body or even his ears,#11: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Aug 4, 2020
out from the puzzle, through my soul he peers,
Sarah just made him and left him with no word since...
now gaps may be minutes, days even years,
but let's take a short moment and quell Donna's fears,
it's never ever THE END of these comments!
"I'd lie to know
what this whole show
is all about
before it's out."
- Piet Hein
Show: Spoilers
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