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quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: jewel crown (jewel) on Dec 19, 2016
I enjoyed solving each week of your Advent wreath, but this one is my favourite!#2: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Dec 19, 2016
Thanks Teresa.
Fun border!#3: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Dec 19, 2016
I had an unexpected gift of love today. I had decided to take the bus to pick up some groceries I needed for Christmas. As I was walking to the bus stop I saw a man with a very large black dog on a leash coming toward me. I was a little fearful at first, but the dog made it obvious that it just wanted to say hello and get a few pats. As I was sitting on the bus bench waiting for the bus to arrive the same man and his dog came toward me again. The dog made a beeline towards me wagging it's tail furiously and put his big head in my lap so I could pet him again. It's muzzle had white flecks so I asked how old and he said it was 13 years old. I couldn't help but think that there was a lot of shared love between dog and man for those 13 years.#4: Donna McFarland (donna0328) on Dec 19, 2016
Norma, what a lovely story. Thank you for sharing it.#5: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 19, 2016
Teresa fun puzzle.
What a great story, Norma. I love it when love "happens" like that unexpectedly.
Thanks for your comments, friends.
The theme for Advent this year was darkness and light. There is so much darkness in the world, in our communities, and maybe, for some, in our families. Each of us can be a light in that darkness. It's so comforting when someone can light up our life a little, and even better when we can light up someone else's life, at least for a moment. All it takes is a smile, or a tail wag. :-)
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