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quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
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#1: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 16, 2016
This morning I felt so stressed over evreything going on in my life, with my kids and my job and the world. I went out for a walk with my dog, and my mind just quieted, and I became aware of the beauty of the life around me. The neighborhood was so calm, barely a breeze. The air was fresh, and I took a deep breath and felt gratitude. Although calm, the morning was not entirely silent. Birds were singing and flying around, and a breeze rustled leaves in the trees. I was able to let go of all the stress and really appreciate all the good things in my life.#2: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Dec 16, 2016
That's wonderful Teresa! Very nice puzzle#3: Donna McFarland (donna0328) on Dec 16, 2016
You did a wonderful job of illustrating your feeling. I also feel the calm. This time of the years can get hectic with everything, but as long as you can keep taking those walks you will be fine. :)#4: besmirched tea (besmirched tea) on Dec 16, 2016
When I saw the titles of these two back-to-back Teresa puzzles, ("WooHoo" and "All is Calm") I was imagining the first one would be "something exciting just happened" and this second one would be along the lines of "oh wait, never mind."#5: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 16, 2016
OR perhaps "I just drank some coffee" followed by "it wore off"
I always enjoy how emotive your final images are
A nice walk always has a calming effect and can bring things back into perspective. :)#6: Al LaPointe (kancamagus) on Dec 16, 2016
So much detail in a 20x20 - most excellent!#7: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 16, 2016
Thank you, my friends.#8: jewel crown (jewel) on Dec 18, 2016
Awesome! Thanks for sharing your feelings as well as your creativity!#9: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Dec 18, 2016
Just lovely#10: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on Dec 18, 2016
Ahhhhhhhhhh...yes.#11: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Dec 23, 2016
wonderful T and thx 4 another 20 bw#12: Susan (Susan) on Jul 3, 2017
Very beautiful. Thanks for the reminder that the stress is all in my mind, not in reality. 🙂#13: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jul 3, 2017
Thank you, Susan.
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