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quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Nov 7, 2016
I know I go on and on about my girls and that most of you have gone thru all this with your own children and grandchildren. This stuff never gets old for me. I cherish every moment with them. Last night was one of those magical times for me. After their shower,I put their PJ's on and all three girls sat with me and we cuddled. Even our pets were being super cute.( Niki has pictures to post}. Thanks for letting me share this stuff with you guys. :)#2: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 7, 2016
How adorable! I will never get tired of puzzles you make about your family. Hugs and kisses for your baby girls.#3: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 7, 2016
I can't improve on what Teresa said. So cute.#4: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Nov 7, 2016
So sweet. Destyny is a great sister!#5: Donna McFarland (jade8114) on Nov 7, 2016
I'm like Teresa, I will never get tired of the puzzles you make about your family. You have every right to be proud and I would much rather see a father like you than some of the ones I had to deal with in my career.#6: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Nov 8, 2016
Thx aunties Teresa,Norma,Kristen and Donna. I'm luckier than a lot of fathers though Donna. Because this is my second time around and the fact that I'm with my girls all day and night,I got to watch every bit of their growing up and marvel at every stage of their maturing. It's hard to work all day and then take care of work around the house. That's no excuse mind you. A lot of men work hard and still spend quality time with their kids. It's all about priorities and your children should be your first. This is what a normal week is like for Niki and I. Mondays...We take the boys to band and drill practice for Cadets.'s dance class for Destyny and Chastydy. Wednesdays... it's Cadets for the boys again and Destyny goes to Sparks. Thursday... it's marksmanship with Cadets for J.D. some Saturdays and Sundays there are Cadet events as well. Now for a young couple that might be ok,but for Aldège who turned 64 in October it's a bit much. But I'm not complaining cause for the kids proper development it's worth it. :)#7: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Nov 8, 2016
Another great puzzle and story Aldege!#8: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Nov 8, 2016
Thx auntie Susan. :)#9: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Nov 10, 2016
never gets old :)#10: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Nov 10, 2016
Thx auntie Travis. :)#11: Jota (jota) on Nov 19, 2016
Lovely! Absolutely lovely!
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