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quality: difficulty: solvability: moderate lookahead
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#1: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Nov 7, 2016
Looks just like him#2: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Nov 7, 2016
y'all needed an influx of 20x B&W's...sorry, but that's about as good as I can do to make something recognizable in that space. Kristen's comment on the last one made me wanna give it a go though. hope ya enjoy!#3: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Nov 7, 2016
thx, Susan! :)#4: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 7, 2016
Enjoyed I did. Very nice.#5: Teresa K (fasstar) on Nov 7, 2016
Totally enjoyable!#6: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Nov 7, 2016
Hooray! I knew it would be, as soon as I solved his hair along the top rows.#7: Donna McFarland (jade8114) on Nov 7, 2016
I'm not sure a celebrity can copyright initials (though Spike Lee gets very testy whenever someone dares to use the word "spike").
Fantastic likeness. He was one of my favorites. Too bad he messed himself up with all the plastic surgery. Still he was a genius when it came to music.#8: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Nov 8, 2016
The whole MJ thing got me thinking about famous people who are recognizable from just two characters.#9: John Macdonald (perlwolf) on Nov 8, 2016
There are a lot of people who are known my two initials and last name (ie. J.D. Salinger, A.J. Green, P.T. Barnum, B.B. King, A.A. Milne, C.S. Lewis, etc.) and a healthy number of people known by three initials (ie. MLK, JFK, FDR, LBJ, ODB, etc.), but what about two?
MJ = Michael Jordan (have to go with Kurt on this one)
KG = Kevin Garnett (to keep on the basketball theme)
TI = Clifford Joseph Harris Jr. (rapper)
OJ = Orenthal Simpson
DW = Darrel Waltrip (I live in the South)
R2 = don't need the "D2" to know who this is
not going to include Jay-Z even thought it sounds like "JZ" :P
any others?
MJ was Peter Parker's love interest for many years, long before Michael Jordan was born. Trade that net for a web.#10: Matt Swenson (zurry) on Nov 8, 2016
I am absolutely amazed you got such a recognizable image with a 20x20 black and white grid. Good job on the design. Good puzzle too.#11: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Nov 8, 2016
LT....though it was also given to 2 ppl. Lawrence Taylor(my preferred) and LaDainian Tomlinson#12: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Nov 8, 2016
Found to be solvable with moderate lookahead by infrapinklizzard.#13: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Nov 8, 2016 [HINT]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view hints#14: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Nov 8, 2016 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#15: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Nov 8, 2016
Or as I heard it a century ago:#16: David Bouldin (dbouldin) on Nov 9, 2016
ABCD puppies?
L,MNO puppies.
mary jane may have been known as mj, but i'd argue that the ubiquity of that knowledge in common culture now isn't as prevailant as michael jordan...and the whole question must be framed in today's "day and time" for it to be even as minimally meaningful as it is.#17: John Macdonald (perlwolf) on Nov 9, 2016
forgot about LT (taylor for me too). with exceptions to everything, it's funny how the following seem to be the trends:
2 initials + last name - literary figure
three initials only - civic leader
two initial only - sports star
The Spiderman MJ was well known in the 50's-70's (well, to comic book nerds at least :-), and that name revived more modernly with the Spiderman movie (which had a fair degree of popular exposure). I'd actually never heard of Michael Jordan referred to as MJ, but that might just be my limited interest in basketball. (My son's name is Jordan Michael Macdonald, which was not directly intended to refer to the basketball player but I knew that there would be some identification there.) Loved him in Roger Rabbit, though.#18: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Nov 9, 2016
I certainly remember OJ as distinguishing Simpson (he was also often referred to as "The Juice" - derived from the OJ initials, obviously). Popular football player, and a tolerable actor long before he became a celebrity murder trial defendant.
Back when the Groklaw web site was operating actively (it is still on-line ut there has been no new writing for over 3 years), PJ was a heavily and widely used reference to Pamela Jones, the person who authored that site - it didn't figure heavily in popular culture (at least, not directly - major media reporters had learned to check her site for incisive and knowledgeable information for any computer related legal issues.
good observation....when you first said it, I thought of a ton more of the top of my head. literary figures, that is. TS Eliot, JK Rowling, JR(x2) Tolkien (lol), EE Cummings, etc etc#19: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Nov 10, 2016
agree with #11 :)#20: Jota (jota) on Nov 11, 2016
MJ are actually MY initials, so stop it!#21: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Nov 11, 2016
hahahaha, Jota! :)
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