peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: moderate lookahead
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#1: Jota (jota) on Oct 21, 2016 [HINT]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view hints#2: Susan Nagy (susannagy54) on Oct 22, 2016
Isn't it oxymoronic that your puzzle telling us to stop making puzzles using only letters is a puzzle using only letters. Also, for the record, I find some of the puzzles using letters/numbers to be creative and challenging. There was a series a while back called "guess the word" (I think) -- the letters were different colors, scrambled, different sizes (I think), and at different angles -- upside down, sideways, etc. They gave my mind a good workout, and judging from the comments that were made, a lot of others also got some good "brain work outs" from them. I also enjoyed solving many of the rebus puzzles, which were largely letters and/or numbers.#3: Leah Drakeford (leah225) on Oct 23, 2016
I agree with Susan, I enjoy them also. I never understood those that come on here telling others what kind of puzzles to make, if you don't like someone's puzzles, then don't solve them. Others have fun making and solving such puzzles, if you don't, that's fine but don't try to ruin their fun.#4: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Dec 31, 2023
Found to be solvable with moderate lookahead by blurglecruncheon.#5: Andrew Schultz (blurglecruncheon) on Dec 31, 2023 [HINT]
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